Chapter Thirty Four

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After watching a comedy the three of you had managed to calm down and even start to laugh about the whole thing. You were still going to smack Shirabu though, no matter how funny it was.

Goshiki was the first of the three of you to fall asleep. You turned onto your side to face Kita and noticed him staring up at the ceiling in thought.

"Is this all too much for you? New place, new people? I wouldn't blame you if you are completely overwhelmed." you asked in a whisper. You really hoped he was having a good time because you were and you were so happy that he was here.

Kita looked over to you at the sound of your voice. He turned onto his side to also face you. "I was just thinking about how thankful I am for today." he replied in a hushed tone.

You smiled at that. Everyday he continued to amaze you.

"You really don't mind me dragging you around and freaking out to you? There are still more people I want you to meet, are you sure you are okay? I don't want you to feel awkward or left out." you said.

"I haven't felt left out at all. I was never worried about this trip in that sense. I figured that if they were your friends and family they would all be both nice and welcoming to me. People hang out around others with similar aspects to them." he replied quietly.

You were sure your heart skipped a beat at that. He was so good at consistently complimenting you without a second thought.

"I'm glad. And I am so happy you came here with me. I like traveling with you." you said, with a big smile. It was dark and you couldn't make out his features very well, but you were sure he was smiling at your words and you could even picture his smile perfectly in your mind.

"Then we should do it again. Maybe I can take you to where my parents live." he replied. You liked the idea of traveling with him again a little more than you had expected yourself to.

You were surprised at the mention of his parents. You remembered wondering where they had been when you had eaten dinner at his house but you hadn't been expecting him to bring them up so casually.

"Where do your parents live?" you asked. You weren't sure why they wouldn't live with him, his house was definitely big enough for it.

"Their place is about an hour outside of Hyogo. It's in the countryside, on a rice farm. I grew up in Hyogo with my grandma though because they were really young when they had me and not prepared to raise me. It also made more sense for me to grow up in town rather than the middle of nowhere." Kita explained.

"I didn't know that. Is that where you went last weekend?" you asked. It sounded like he was still close with his parents and had a healthy relationship with them which made you happy.

"It is. I always enjoy going out there and visiting them." Kita replied.

"I'd love to go with you sometime." you said with a smile again. You were sure your words made him smile once again as well. You wished you could see his features a little better, you hated missing the opportunity to see Kita's smile.

"I look forward to that day." Kita said. You did too. You wanted as many opportunities to spend time with Kita as possible.

"You and Goshiki grew up really close?" Kita asked, it sounded almost like more of a statement than a question though. It was obvious that you and your cousin were close.

"Yeah. After my mom passed I pretty much lived here for a few years while my dad got himself sorted out. Tsutomu is basically both a little brother and a friend to me." you explained. For the first time it didn't hurt to mention that your mom had passed. You didn't know why right now, but it didn't feel wrong to admit that she was gone.

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