Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning you walked with Kita, your mind was on Haru though so you weren't talking as much as usual. Kita definitely noticed but he didn't say anything.

When you got to class Haru was already there, joking with some of your classmates. You slipped past him and slid into your desk. You felt relief the second you saw Suna enter the classroom. He made his way to the back beside you.

"Thank goodness you're here today. This class is hell without you here." you said as Suna took his seat beside you. At your words Haru looked back and glanced between you and Suna, a look making its way on his face before he turned back around. If you hadn't known better you would have thought it was jealousy.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Something came up at home." Suna replied. "Aran is back. Did you meet him yesterday?" he asked.

"Yeah, I met him in the morning! That guy is so cool!" you exclaimed. Suna nodded to your statement in agreement.

Suna then grinned. "Heard the twins ran into you and your dad on the weekend." he said. With everything that had already happened this week, you had almost forgotten about that embarrassing moment. But of course, Suna was here to remind you.

"Don't remind me." you said with a slight eye roll. Then you remembered something else from the weekend. "I saw you posted the video of me and Atsumu at the lake." you said, doing your best to sound mad.

Suna laughed at that. "I had to. If you had let me get a video of you trying to serve the ball, I totally would have posted that too!" he said between laughs. You shoved him, nearly pushing him out of his seat.

"Actually, I still have Atsumu's hoodie from that night." you stated, suddenly remembering that you still hadn't returned it to the boy. To be fair, he hadn't reminded you. At your words Haru turned again to shoot you a quick glare.

At that point the teacher had set up his lesson and began. The class went a lot faster with Suna there. You even almost forgot that Haru was there. Almost.

When the lunch bell rang you were still pretty relieved to leave the class, Suna was as well. Osamu was waiting at the door for the two of you.

"I've gotta buy lunch today." Suna said when he saw Osamu.

"I do as well." Osamu said. He then turned to you. "You wanna come along?" he asked.

You didn't want to risk being alone with Osamu. He might bring up Haru. "I brought a lunch today. I'm gonna go ahead to the cafeteria and I'll meet you guys there." you said, giving your most reassuring smile you could. Osamu still looked concerned. He was observant enough to know something was wrong.

"Okay, we'll see you in a few minutes." Osamu agreed before the two left. You watched them disappear down the hall.

"So which is it?" you would recognize that voice anywhere. You turned to make eye contact with Haru. "Are you just leading them all on for fun? You're really good at that y/n."

You couldn't do this. You couldn't let him make you feel bad. He treated you like shit and you couldn't let yourself forget that. No matter what version of your relationship he had told himself.

"You and I both know I never led you on. I worshiped you for some reason." you said before pushing past him to head towards the cafeteria.

When you spotted Kita and Aran at a table talking you already felt more at ease. As you approached the table you caught the end of their conversation.

"... romantic feelings. You like her Kita." Aran was saying. Now that interested you. Kita had a crush. That was adorable. You were almost jealous of the girl.

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