Chapter Eleven

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The next morning you slept in until it was already afternoon. You normally would never sleep past 9:00 but you normally didn't stay out until 5:00 in the morning as well. As you rolled out of bed you felt lazy and crappy, being in bed for so long will do that to a person. You were still wearing Atsumu's hoodie and it still smelt like him. It was probably embarrassing that you slept in it but it had been so comfy and so tired. You were planning to wash it before returning it to him anyway.

You went to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers of what you had made earlier in the week. Your dad usually worked a six day week, so he wouldn't be home on a Saturday afternoon. He would be home the next day for sure though. It would basically be your first time seeing him since moving.

After eating you looked through some of your homework, trying your best to understand it since you were still a little behind from the move. You figured if worse came to worse you could always call Shirabu and he could walk you through the steps of how to do it. You did a couple of questions, getting some right.

An hour later you gave up on them though and turned to your phone, telling yourself you were taking a ten minute break but knowing it would be a two hour break.

You started by checking your social media. You almost lost it when you saw that Suna had posted the video of Atsumu dropping you in the lake last night, but as you watched the video you couldn't stop yourself from laughing. You were almost tempted to ask him to send you the video so you could save it but you stopped yourself.

After an hour of aimlessly scrolling you put your phone down. The longer you were on your phone the more lazy and unmotivated you were becoming. So instead you decided to get dressed and head outside for a walk. The outdoor air would be good for you at this point.

You made sure to grab Kita's container he had used for the cookies before leaving, you figured you could drop it off on your walk. 

As you moved down the road you saw the boy before he saw you. He was in his front yard with gloves on that reached to his elbows. He was wearing a pair of jeans that looked to be faded from their original colour just from time alone and he had a simple black t-shirt on as well. He was bent down doing what looked to be garden work. His house was much different than yours. While yours was a new modern style, his house was very old but looked to be well taken care of.

"Hey Kita, I brought your container back." you said as you moved up his driveway.

The boy looked over at you when he heard his name mentioned. "Thank you y/n. Good afternoon." he said politely as he stood and moved over to you. He quickly accepted the container out of your hands and placed it on a swinging chair on his front step. 

"Do you need any help with what you are doing?" you questioned, glancing over to his yard.

"Oh no I'm alright. It's very tedious work." Kita replied, waving off your offer. It looked like he still had quite a bit to do so you figured he was declining out of politeness. 

"Are you sure? I really wouldn't mind helping. I've actually been bored out of my mind today." you insisted. You had never done garden work before, your dad always hired someone to do it for you. Shirabu's mother had mentioned that your mom loved gardening, but you couldn't remember.

"If you want to help you are welcome to. But I'm sure the twins are doing something much more entertaining than I am if you would rather meet up with them." Kita replied. You were sure the twins were probably causing chaos somewhere, which would have been fun. But you really wanted to stay and garden. Partly to hang out with Kita and partly because your mom liked it and you wanted to try it.

You waved your hand dismissively in the air. "Why would I go hang out with those idiots when I can stay here with you?"

Kita's eyes quite literally lit up at your words. "Okay," he said with a cheerful smile. Kita was possibly one of the cutest people you had ever met. Every time he smiled it made your heart flutter.

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