Chapter Eighteen

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As you walked through the neighbourhoods surrounding Suna's house he continued to hold your hand loosely but still with confidence. His hands were so delicate. You had never held hands with a friend like this before, to you holding hands had always seemed like something only people with romantic feelings were allowed to do. But this was different from that. This was nice.

Suna glanced over to you before returning his attention ahead of the two of you. You noticed him do it out of the corner of your eye.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked.

You looked over to him and he met your gaze, barely moving his head but instead his eyes. "Honestly, I'm still a little on edge. But I don't feel unsafe." you answered. Truthfully, you never felt entirely safe out at night and the area of town you two were in definitely wasn't helping. But Suna's hand in yours made it not so bad. His presence in general made you feel safe.

Suna nodded and returned his attention back to in front of him. You watched him for another second before also moving your gaze to the direction you were walking. That was one thing you had noticed about Suna. He was very careful with his gaze, never letting it linger.

Right from the very start you had found Suna attractive. He was one of those people who were an underrated pretty. But in this light while holding his hand, there was something else about him. Something you were feeling that was more than just an attraction to his looks.

Two people standing in the shadows between two houses talking in a hushed tone caught your attention. "Just keep walking and ignore them." Suna instructed when he noticed where your gaze had landed.

"Are they?" you wanted to ask him what they were doing but you didn't know how to phrase the question.

"I don't know. I have my suspicions but it is none of my business and I don't want to give them any reason to make it my business." Suna answered with a shrug as you moved your attention away from the people. Suna was very smart. Not in an academic sense, but he knew how to act in different situations.

"We are almost at the train stop. It won't be there for another half hour though." Suna stated as the two of you began to enter a busier area. You nodded to him. You were looking forward to being on the train again and then in your house. You knew you had it good at home, but you had never realized just how good you had it.

When the two of you made it to the stop you both took a seat on a bench that had a fence behind it. There was a tiny building but it was clearly closed now with all the lights off. If you had to guess it was now close to 9:00 or 10:00. You didn't want to pull out your phone to check though.

There were only three others at the train stop. A middle-aged man on his phone quite a bit away from the two of you, and two older ladies a few feet away smoking and talking loudly.

"Do you take the train home after work?" you questioned. You felt like talking would make you feel more at ease.

"Sometimes. If it's still running when I'm done." Suna answered. He was looking at the tracks but you could tell that he was extremely aware of everything going on around the two of you.

"And you stay at the Miya's a lot, right?" you asked.

"Yeah." Suna said with a nod. His eyes had glanced over at the women for a second before returning ahead of him. You looked over to see they had moved a little. You could barely even see the difference from where they had been standing. How did he notice without even looking?

"I met the twins in middle school. We've been pretty close since then." Suna added in more explanation. You had been sure that they had been friends forever like you and Shirabu, but they had only really known each other for a few years. That was crazy how close they were.

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