Chapter Thirty

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"Good morning y/n." Kita said as you stepped out onto the porch where he was standing.

"Morning." you replied, you really did have to fake your cheerfulness today.

"How are you feeling?" Kita asked instead of his normal 'how was your night?' He looked worried about you.

"Not the best, but that's kinda what I expected." you replied. You felt crappy and didn't have much hope for the day. When you started out feeling this bad, it was likely that the day was already unredeemable.

Kita nodded quietly. "It'll get better for you, I know it will." he said. You believed him, you just wished it would get better sooner.

During your walk to school Kita talked about a book he was reading and his thoughts on the plot and different theories he had. It was nice to just walk and listen. You had a feeling that he knew that you didn't feel up to talking so he took it upon himself to be the source of entertainment for the trip. But you were thankful whether he did it on purpose or not.

When you made it to class you took your seat beside Suna. The class actually went by surprisingly fast. During lunch you listened to Atsumu tell a story about nearly getting sprayed by a skunk the night before while jogging. The afternoon went by just as fast as the morning.

As the practice started you went back to taking notes on the upcoming teams and watching some of their filmed matches. Once the practice had ended you found yourself waiting outside the changeroom for Kita.

Atsumu was the first to emerge. "Y/n! Wanna come over and hang out for a bit? Suna and Samu are working and I don't have any homework." he offered.

You also didn't have any homework because you were able to actually finish it in class. You weren't sure if it was a good idea to go off to a friends house when your dad was at home waiting for you to return home so you could talk.

Then again, you did like the idea of running away from your problems for another couple hours. Plus Atsumu was never boring.

"I'd really like that." you agreed. Atsumu grinned at your response.

Suna was the next to come out, shortly followed by the other two. "Kita wanna come over for a bit? Y/n is." Atsumu asked when he walked up to the two of you.

"Sorry Atsumu, it'll have to be next time. I have a few things I need to do tonight. You two have a good time though." Kita responded politely.

"Alright, no problem." Atsumu replied with a nod.

You waved to Kita before walking with Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna. You were beside Osamu until he and Suna split off in the direction of the cafe.

As you walked with Atsumu he put both hands on your shoulders to turn you when you were continuing to go straight. "This way." he said with a large grin.

"Don't say a word Atsumu! I've only been to your house once, it's normal to not know where I am going." you scolded. You knew exactly what he was thinking. He was going to make fun of your directional skills again.

Atsumu chuckled at your words. "I wasn't thinking anything. But feel free to share your thoughts y/n, what were you thinking?"

"Shut up." you said as you reached over and smacked his arm. He just laughed it off as you two continued to walk.

As you turned a corner Atsumu quickly glanced around the two of you. "Careful, this is where I saw the bastard last night." he said.

You scrunched up your face in confusion. "What? Please give context when you say something like that." you replied.

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