Chapter Thirty One

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The next morning you woke up later than you usually do so you had to rush to get ready. You still managed to be ready just in time for Kita to arrive though. You left the house in a hurry, grabbing the sandwich your dad had made you before heading out.

"Good morning y/n," Kita said cheerfully as you stepped outside.

"Morning." you replied, stuffing your mouth with the muffin you had grabbed in a hurry. You hadn't had time to actually make breakfast.

"How was your night with Atsumu?" Kita asked as the two of you began to walk.

You finished chewing your muffin before speaking again. "It was really great! We played Mario Kart pretty much the whole night! I used to play that with my cousin back in Miyagi all the time when I was younger." you explained happily.

"That sounds like a fun time," Kita said with a small smile.

You nodded to his statement. On the way to the school you spent the time telling Kita stories about things you and Goshiki would do when you were younger. You even managed to make him laugh at a few. Telling Kita the stories made you realize just how much you used to bully your younger cousin, it was a miracle he still liked you so much. Kita seemed to find your stories very entertaining though.

When you made it to school you were more than disappointed because you really wanted to just spend the whole day telling Kita stories. But the two of you separated and you made your way to your class.

Today class dragged on. You kept thinking about how excited you should be today since you should be leaving for your trip the next morning. But instead you would be spending the weekend in Hyogo. You loved your new town, but you had already had your heart set on going back home for the weekend.

At lunch the boys were talking about their plans to go see the fireworks this weekend. You figured you might as well join them now. But you didn't say anything. You wanted to be on the dock by the lake watching the fireworks in Miyagi like you were every year. You decided that you would allow yourself to mope around for a little while longer then you would ask them to join them when you finally got over it.

The afternoon went just as slow as morning. To add to your annoyance Haru decided today was a good day to openly flirt with some girl right beside you. You were more than glad that he was moving on from you but you had a feeling that his flirting right in front of you was the exact opposite of moving on. He was purposely trying to make you jealous. You wished he would just leave you alone but you didn't allow him to have a reaction out of you and completely ignored him.

By the time the bell rang you were more than annoyed with Haru and you could tell that it was written all over your face by the look Suna was giving you.

When the volleyball practice was over you were in a terrible mood and just wanted to go home. Other than talking to Kita in the morning, everything that happened today annoyed you. Every little conversation was getting on your nerves no matter how innocent the conversation was. It was just one of those days.

You were hoping that your chat with Kita on the way home would help to brighten your mood so that you would be in the right mindset when you spoke with your dad. You didn't have much hope for your mood to improve, but you knew that if there was any person on the planet who could make you happy with just one conversation it was Kita.

"Guess what happened in my class today?" Kita asked once you two were on your way home. It was different than usual when he would ask you how your day was. You remembered him telling you that his days were really repetitive, so you figured something out of the ordinary had happened that he had wanted to tell you.

"What happened?" you asked. You were more than curious about what Kita found story telling worthy from his day.

"My teacher lives on a farm and drives a truck into school." Kita said for context. You had heard that one of the staff members owned a farm on top of teaching but you had no idea that it was Kita's teacher.

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