Chapter Nine

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The next day to your surprise Suna was in class on time. He didn't even seem any different or more tired than usual. He must be well adjusted to staying up late already.

The rest of the week went by pretty quick. Your schedule was starting to feel pretty normal. In the morning you would take the train to school with Kita. Then you would sit with Suna in class. At lunch Osamu would come get you where you would sit with Kita and Atsumu as well. Then after school there would be a practice. After the practice you would walk home with Kita. Thursday the group of you went to get milkshakes together. No sign of Haru yet. Your dad had barely been home but you hardly noticed anymore, or that's what you told yourself at least.

It was now Friday night. The volleyball practice went longer than usual so you didn't get home until 8:00. After that you had a meal and watched some tv before retiring to your room with your phone. Your dad got home around 10:30 and went to bed about a half hour after that. 

You were now on your phone aimlessly scrolling through social media. You hovered on a video Semi had posted, it was him playing some chords on his guitar. It sounded even better than the last time you had heard him. You liked the post and left a quick comment.

There was a post below it of Tendou. It was him and Ushijima at some sort of art gallery, it was probably an event held by Shiratorizawa. You quickly liked the post. The more you saw of your old friends the more you were missing them.

The next post was Suna's account. It was Atsumu trying to skateboard and failing miserably, you could recognize the laugh in the background belonged to Osamu. You couldn't help but giggle as you watched the video a second time.

You were typing out a comment when your phone began to buzz with a call. You were glad it was only on vibrate because the ringer would have woken your dad up for sure. You squinted at the name on the screen, but it wasn't Goshiki like you had been expecting. Instead the phone read Suna.

"Suna? What's up?" you questioned confused as you answered. Suna had never even called you before, nevermind the fact that it was already midnight.

"I told you she would be up." Suna's voice came through. He was talking to someone. You were suddenly very aware that you were on speaker phone.

"That still doesn't mean she doesn't have better things to do." you recognized that voice to be Osamu's.

"What's going on?" you asked to remind them that you were still on the call.

"Y/n, we're driving around. Come out and join us." Suna said. He was louder than Osamu, clearly right beside the speaker. You were lost though, they were driving this late at night? Where? Why?

"Do you idiots know what time it is? Where are you even going?" you asked. You were both physically and mentally drained from the week, there was no way they weren't too.

"We were bored." Suna answered as if that explained the spontaneous drive.

"Wanna join?" Osamu jumped in.

You glanced at your clock that read 12:14. They were idiots, like actual idiots. It was so late and they had no actual purpose for going out. Yet you didn't want to say no. Every time you went out with them was entertaining.

"I'm going to regret this, won't I?" you questioned.

"Probably. We are pulling into your driveway." That was Suna again. At least he was honest. 

"Okay, I'm coming out. I'm going to hang up now though. If my dad hears me he'll kill me and you guys," you replied before hanging up the phone. You quickly changed out of your pajama shorts and shirt and into a pair of comfortable jeans and your Shiratorizawa hoodie.

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