Chapter Ten

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A few minutes later Suna pulled into a McDonalds parking lot. The building was smaller than the one you had gone to in Miyagi. The lights were on though and the sign on the door read 24 hours.

The four of you got out of the car after Suna parked. There was a strange kind of rush about being out at night. There wasn't the same anxiety you would normally have. With the twins and Suna you felt completely safe.

"Y/n you traitor!" Atsumu exclaimed, he was loud considering what time it was. You wondered if Atsumu Miya was ever really quiet.

"What are you talking about?" you questioned.

"Your hoodie," Atsumu pointed out. You glanced down at your purple Shiratorizawa hoodie. You hadn't even given it a second thought before putting it on. Shiratorizawa wasn't your school anymore, not that there was any rule against still wearing the school merch.

"Dude, it's really not that deep." Osamu said, walking past the two of you already distracted by the thought of what he was going to eat.

"But that's our competition! Plus y/n is one of us now." Atsumu whined. He turned to you again. "You should be wearing Inarizaki stuff."

You laughed. "I'm not taking it off Atsumu." you said.

"How about I challenge you for it. Whoever finishes their meal first wins. If I'm faster you lose the Shiratorizawa hoodie for the rest of the night," Atsumu challenged.

You laughed at how persistent he was about something that really didn't matter. "No way, I already know you are a way faster eater than me."

"I'll double whatever you eat." Atsumu said.

He was determined for sure. That would give you a chance though. He was faster than you, but how much faster? You narrowed your eyes at him. "What if I win?"

"You get shotgun for the rest of the night and I'll go in the back with Samu," he said.

"Oh god, why are you guys punishing me for this?" Osamu said as he opened the door to the building. You laughed at Osamu's comment but it was enough to push you into an agreement.

"Deal," you agreed.

You all took a seat at a table once you had your food. You were surprised that the tables were still open. At your McDonalds in Miyagi the dinning room closed pretty early. You were sat beside Suna and across from Atsumu who was beside Osamu.

Atsumu had two burgers and two containers of fries in front of him while you had one of each.

"I'll count you guys down." Osamu said, some sort of competitive excitement kicking in. You and Atsumu both nodded then Osamu counted down and you both began.

Overall it was a close match but Atsumu managed to somehow finish his double meal seconds before you finished yours.

"YES!" he cheered as he stood from his seat with both arms raised triumphantly.

"You're actually ridiculous. I thought I had you there." you complained.

"Pay up," Atsumu insisted as you grumbled. But true to your word you took off the Shiratorizawa hoodie and tossed it over to him. For some reason as you did you got a gut feeling like you were betraying your friends at Shiratorizawa. That was stupid though, it was literally just an article of clothing.

"That was honestly so disgusting to watch." Suna muttered, looking at both of yours and Atsumu's burger wrappers before taking another bite of his wrap.

"You gotta give her yours in exchange Tsumu. It's only fair. You don't want her to get cold, she's only in a t-shirt." Osamu pointed out, elbowing his brother as he finished his last bite of his food.

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