Chapter Twenty

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You and Atsumu sat in the tree for what felt like both hours and five minutes at the same time. It was nice. It always caught you a little off guard when Atsumu was quiet, but his company was so nice.

"You and I are coming back here at night sometime. It's even better with the lights of the town on." Atsumu stated. You smiled and nodded at him. The little stretch of town had white Christmas lights strung up on all the trees and poles all the time, making the night beautiful.

"Are you hungry?" Atsumu asked looking over to you.

It was probably already close to noon and you hadn't eaten since early morning, plus you had done all that bike riding.

"Yeah, I'm starving!" you answered.

"Let's go grab lunch at the cafe then, Suna and Samu are still working there." Atsumu suggested.

"Okay," you agreed with a nod. You then looked below you at how far the ground was. "How do we get down?" you asked. You hadn't thought this far ahead, but you didn't think it was possible for you to safely climb back onto Atsumu's back while on the branch.

"Follow my lead, I'll help you," Atsumu instructed. You were nervous but you trusted his ability to help you down. 

Atsumu took careful steps on the branches, holding tight to your arm as you followed him down. 

When he was close enough he hopped onto the ground. You couched down on the branch, a little nervous about jumping since it was still pretty high up. 

Atsumu reached up and placed both hands on your waist. His touch sent butterflies to your stomach and you weren't sure why. 

"You can jump, I've got you." Atsumu said. You moved your hands from the branch onto his shoulders and took a jump. Like he promised Atsumu caught you easily.

"Let's go get our bikes," Atsumu said when the both of you were firmly on the ground. You nodded and walked with him to the place where you had ditched them. Just as he had said no one had even come up the path never mind stolen the bikes.

"When we are going down this hill, don't touch the brakes. Just let the speed pick up all the way down. It'll freak ya out a little at first but then there will be this moment where you feel like you're flying." Atsumu said.

"I don't know Atsumu. This is a steep hill." you said as you glanced down the path. You didn't have the best control over your bike and you didn't particularly want to fall.

"Trust me on this one y/n. Have I ever convinced you to do something you didn't end up enjoying? You gotta give it a try." Atsumu insisted. He wasn't wrong. You couldn't say no to him but every time you said yes it ended up being the best time.

"Alright, let's do this." you agreed. You wanted to sound enthusiastic but you were still nervous. You were at the point where you had to just accept that there was no saying no to Atsumu Miya. He just got too excited when you agreed to do his crazy stunts. 

Atsumu grinned brightly. "Follow my lead!" he said excitedly hopping on his bike while you put on your helmet.

Atsumu took no time at all in starting down the hill. You were quick to follow him, watching him speeding ahead of you. You could feel yourself picking up speed and were tempted to slow yourself down but didn't. You were terrified until you suddenly weren't. The feeling of the wind in your face going at speed you shouldn't be gave you that same rush you got when Suna was speeding down that empty road. 

You let out a shriek of joy. Atsumu glanced back at you with a large smile before quickly returning his attention ahead of him. 

You two were getting closer to the bottom of the steep hill but you didn't want this feeling to end. All your life you had been more on the cautious end, possibly because you grew up with Shirabu. But these past two weeks have been some of the best days of your life. These boys had brought out an entirely different version of yourself.

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