Chapter Forty Six

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The next day was Sunday and you wanted nothing more than to do nothing all day and just keep smiling to yourself about what a great night you had. Your whole morning went by pretty fast as you quietly kept to yourself, doing your homework and grinning stupidly at the page.

For the afternoon you spent time with your dad. The two of you played a game of scrabble that lasted the entire afternoon. It was actually a very close game, but in the end he beat you by just a small amount of points.

In the evening you called Goshiki and then Shirabu to fill them both in on your major life update. They had both been very happy because both had taken a liking to Kita while he was visiting them with you.

You decided to go to sleep early, already looking forward to the morning when you would get to see Kita again.

When you woke up the next morning you were actually in a good mood for once. Like usual Kita was knocking on your door at 7:00 exactly. You hurried out to greet him and leave for school.

"Good morning." Kita said as you came outside.

"Morning." you replied, unable to contain your smile. You hadn't stopped thinking about this boy since Saturday night.

"So I was thinking. How would you like to come over to my house for a while after school tomorrow? We don't have practice so we will be home pretty early." Kita asked as you two started to walk together.

You smiled, hanging out with him sounded like the best possible way you could spend your evening. You had fallen for him so hard and you knew it was only going to continue to get worse.

"That sounds great Kita." you replied.

Kita smiled. Then he asked the same question he usually did in the mornings. "How did yesterday go?"

You then dove into a story about how close you had been to winning scrabble and what ridiculous words had ended up being used. You always liked to get quite creative when coming up with your words.

Once you two arrived at school you both separated ways. Watching him walk towards the third year hall reminded you that he only had a couple of months left at school while you still had another whole year. Even though things were easy right now, how long could you two really keep this up when he would be moving on to such a big change before you?

You worried, but tried not to think too much about it. You had to just trust that things were going to work out for you guys. And if they didn't, at least you would get to experience going out with someone as great as Kita. You would never allow yourself to settle for anyone who didn't make you feel the way he did.

"Y/n." you stopped walking at the sound of your name and waited for Suna to catch up to you so the two of you could walk to class together.

"You didn't tell us how Saturday went." Suna stated as the two of you walked beside each other.

You smiled as you looked over at him. "I don't even know where to begin Suna. It was incredible. Everything just felt so natural and I really don't know why I was so worried about it. We didn't stop talking the whole night!" you explained excitedly.

You then glanced around the hallway for any listeners but it was just the two of you. "And we kissed." you added quietly.

Suna's eyebrows raised in shock. "I have to say I didn't see that coming. I figured you two would be way too awkward for at least a few dates." Suna stated.

The two of you then arrived at your classroom and took your seats at the back of class. Suna suddenly turned to face you with a look of realization.

"What?" you asked, confused.

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