Chapter Five

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Kita noticed you before you had even made it to them. "Y/n. This is coach Kurosu, he said that he would be more than happy to have you join us." Kita said as you stopped in front of the two of them. "This y/n." Kita said as he turned back to the coach to introduce you.

"Hello, it is really nice to meet you. I've been involved in the game pretty much my whole life and am really looking forward to working with your team." you said. 

"Great, I love to hear that," coach Kurosu said, giving you a smile which was already way more than coach Washijo ever had. You weren't sure the man was even capable of smiling. The coach turned to Kita. "Why don't you go get ready, y/n will help me get everything set up here."

Kita nodded before heading out of the gym. You took that as cue to help the man with the net. "It will be nice to have a manager with volleyball as their main focus. Kita has had to really pick up on the responsibilities since we don't have one. I will give you a fair warning though, these boys can be hard to deal with at times. Especially the twins, they provoke each other," he said as the two of you worked on the net.

You laughed a little. "It's alright, I think I can deal with them."

"Y/n! You came!" You could hear one of the twins already. You turned to see Atsumu standing in the doorway, his practice jersey on and volleyball shoes in his hand.

"I said I was coming Atsumu, don't be so surprised." you replied. 

"You gotta see my new serve, bet it'd even catch Ushiwaka off guard the first time!" Atsumu exclaimed excitedly. You couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. "Come on, I'll show you it now before practice starts," he said, running over to grab your arm and drag you off the court. 

"Atsumu!" you said as you were forced to run to keep up with his jog as he pulled you behind him across the court. He stopped running, looking back at you confused. "You don't even have the right shoes on." you pointed out.

"Oh, right! Just give me a second, don't go anywhere." he insisted as he bent down to change his shoes.

"Where would she go? Practice is literally about to start," you turned to see Osamu had now entered the gym with Suna by his side. Suna was slouching with both hands stuffed in his pockets and Osamu was munching on something.

"Damn it! I'll have to show you after," Atsumu complained when he saw that the rest of the team were all filing into the gym. 

"It's all good Atsumu, you can show me at the end of practice," you said with a slight laugh. It was kind of cute the way he got so excited about volleyball. You weren't sure you had ever seen the same kind of passion before. It almost made you jealous. You wondered what it would be like to love something that much.

The practice began very shortly after. You found yourself completely consumed by everything. There was so much happening all at once. Their practice was so different from Shiratorizawa. You found yourself a little too entranced with Suna during the practice, the way he would twist his body to put so much extra force into his swing was mesmerizing.

You pulled out a notebook you had with various volleyball notes you had taken at Shiratorizawa and flipped until you found an empty page so you could start taking notes for them.

When Shirabu had first started playing the sport, you had taken so much time doing as much research as you could so you could help him. Over the years you had gotten better eventually becoming manager and learned quite a bit about the game and its techniques. You had about twenty other notebooks filled with volleyball notes.

As the practice came to an end you had already taken a couple pages of notes on things you had noticed. You were no expert in any way, but you knew what to watch out for.

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