Chapter Twenty Eight

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When you entered your house it was nice to see the lights on rather than a darkened house you knew was empty. As you entered the kitchen you smiled when you laid eyes on the man wearing a suit, sitting at the table with a sudoku book in front of him.

"Hey!" you said, happy to see your father.

He looked up and smiled at you. "Hey y/n, missed you." he said as he placed his pencil on the book as a place holder.

"I missed you too dad!" you said as you gave him a huge hug. As much as you loved having the freedom to have Suna over at night, you had really missed having your dad home. Even though he usually worked until late hours, you still liked having him home eventually.

You grabbed some leftover food and heated it up before taking a seat beside your father.

"So, I have a few things I need to talk to you about." your dad said when you were comfortably seated with your food. He sounded serious and that worried you. Your dad in general was a serious guy, but this tone was different. He had something important to tell you.

"Is everything okay dad?" you asked.

You couldn't even begin to think about how you would handle it if there were something wrong with him. You couldn't deal with that, not after everything that happened with your mom.

"Nothing like that sweetheart." he said quickly at your worried tone.

"Okay. What's up then?" you said, allowing yourself relax again. Nothing was going to happen to your dad.

"Well... They want to promote me at work. This will be huge for me, I'll be one of the very top people." you dad explained.

You smiled brightly at his news. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you, you definitely deserve this!" you beamed. You were proud of your father, he worked so hard.

"Thank you y/n." you dad replied, giving you a small smile. Something was wrong. Even though he smiled, he didn't seem happy.

"There's more." you stated. It was written all over his face that there was more to the news than just his promotion.

Your dad nodded to your words. "I need you to promise to be mature about this y/n." he said.

You nodded to his words slowly. He was starting to worry you again just because you had no idea where this was leading. Was he seeing someone? Did you need to move again? You really hoped you didn't have to move. You couldn't handle leaving Inarizaki and the friends you had already made.

Your dad took in a deep breath before continuing. "Well, with a promotion comes a lot more responsibilities on my end. That means I am going to need to be on top of work more than I already am. This is going to affect my work hours as well."

You took a minute to process his words. More work hours? How was that even legal? You barely even saw him as it was, if he were at work even more you might as well have been living alone.

"Dad they can't ask you to work more than you already do. That is ridiculous! Tell them you can't be in the office that often. Tell them you have a family at home." you said.

"I already accepted the job. It'll be an adjustment but I know that if anyone can handle it, it's you." he replied, offering you a small smile.

You didn't return his smile. "I don't want to adjust. You didn't think that maybe I would care a little if I never get to see you?" you asked, your eyes were stinging from tears that were welling in them. Iti hurt that he didn't seem to care that he was never home with you and it hurt that he didn't even try to talk to you about this huge change first.

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