Chapter Forty Three

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The next day you woke up in a really good mood. You had to remind yourself that last night was real, you and Kita were actually going out on a real date later this week. That idea gave you butterflies but it was a good kind of butterflies.

As you got ready for school even your dad commented on how odd it was to see you in such a good mood this early in the morning. You had just shrugged off his comment as you continued to smile and skip around collecting your things to get ready.

As you left your house Kita also seemed to be in a really good mood, although he was always in a good mood in the mornings.

"Good morning." Kita said as you left your house, he wasn't quite smiling but his features were softer than normal.

"Morning." you replied giving him a small smile.

As the two of you started to walk together you chatted away about how you and Goshiki would go sledding every winter and basically kill each other by tackling the other while going down the hill. One time when you guys were younger he had broken his arm from how reckless you two had gotten. Kita seemed to find your sledding stories every entertaining.

Everything about the morning felt great, there was no awkwardness settled between the two of you even after confessing to each other. You continued to talk away while he listened and asked questions. You couldn't be happier that nothing between the two of you had really changed.

When you two separated he headed to the third year hall while you went off to the second year hall, quietly smiling to yourself as you walked.

Suna and you arrived pretty much at the exact same time.

"Why are you so happy?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at you in question. You and Suna had always had an unspoken rule to both be grumpy in the mornings but today you had broken that rule.

You glanced around and leaned closer to whisper to the boy. "I have a date on the weekend."

Suna's eyes widened in surprise. "You confronted him?" he questioned.

"We sort of confronted each other. It was great Suna. I can't stop thinking about him." you answered with a grin.

Suna smiled at you, once again a smile that seemed to be genuinely happy for you. "Good for you girl." he said quietly.

You smiled again. You figured that your cheeks were going to be hurting a lot today because no matter how much you tried you could not shake the damn grin plastered to your face.

The class started up and you really did try to focus but couldn't. Eventually the bell rang and Osamu came to pick up you and Suna.

Osamu raised an eyebrow at you when he saw your smile. "I know why I'm happy, but what's up with you?" he asked.

"Her and Kita are going out on a date on the weekend." Suna answered for you and you happily nodded along to confirm his words.

"A date? When did that happen? Did I miss a chapter or something?" Osamu asked in clear surprise.

You shook your head laughing a little at his reaction. "Nope, this is new. I got a bit of a crush on him when we went away last weekend and turns out he likes me too." you explained.

Osamu raised his eyebrows again surprised and nodded. "Well way to go then!"

"Why are you so happy?" you asked remembering that he had said he was happy today.

"Atsumu left this morning and is gone till Friday. The house is basically mine for a few days." he answered.

You laughed at that, with everything that had happened in your own life last night you had completely forgotten that Atsumu had left for his training camp. It was going to be really weird without Atsumu around for so long.

Fake or Real ~ InarizakiWhere stories live. Discover now