Chapter Twenty Two

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"So, I gotta ask what's up with the massive hole in the fence over there?" you questioned, pointing in the direction of the missing part of the fence as you continued to munch on your burnt marsh mellows.

Atsumu's eyes widened at your words and both Osamu and Suna started to chuckle.

"That was from psycho girl." Atsumu stated. His eyes were wide and his cheeks seemed to puff out a little more than usual.

"Psycho girl?" you asked. You had been expecting some incident of Atsumu and Osamu fighting a little too hard.

"Atsumu's first girlfriend was actually insane. Like this girl was scary. And for some reason obsessed with him," Osamu explained looking over to you.

"She cut a hole in your fence?" you asked. No matter how obsessive the girl was, that was a whole other level. No wonder they called her psycho girl.

"Yeah. Like I said, she was insane." Osamu replied.

"Okay she wasn't that bad." Atsumu finally cut in seeming a little defensive.

You raised your eyebrows at him. "Dude she threatened to put nair in my shampoo because she didn't want me to have the same hair as you." Osamu pointed out. You could hear Suna chuckle at that.

Suna then leaned over towards you. "It was before they reached their hair dye phase." he whispered to give you context just quiet enough that the other two couldn't hear. The way he worded it made you laugh though. You had noticed pictures in their house of the two younger before they dyed their hair, but it was still odd to think about it.

Atsumu seemed to give in at Osamu's argument. "Fine. But she was really pretty. And I thought she was normal at first. Besides this was middle school."

"I still can't believe you gave that girl your first kiss!" Osamu laughed out.

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "Better than yours. Imagine a party dare in high school being your first kiss!" he teased his brother.

"Still not as bad as a psycho." Osamu replied.

Atsumu looked over to you after that. "How about you y/n? Any good first kiss stories?" he asked.

You smiled at the memory of your first kiss. Thankfully it wasn't Haru. "It was at a volleyball tournament in one of the equipment rooms. You wouldn't know them though, they live in Miyagi." you replied.

"Got any pictures?" Suna asked, seeming intrigued now.

You grinned. "I can get one." you said, pulling out your phone. You scrolled through social media until you found a very flattering photo of the person who had given you your first kiss.

You turned your phone to face the boys proudly. There was no possible way for them to make fun of you for this one.

"HOLY SHIT Y/N!" Atsumu exclaimed.

You smiled at that. "Her name is Kiyoko, she is the manager of another team in Miyagi. And yes she was a VERY good kisser." you said proudly.

"Sorry guys, but she definitely wins that one." Suna stated. But there was no arguments from the twins.

"What about you Suna? How was your first kiss?" you asked curiously.

Both Miyas started to laugh at the question. "Not important." Suna replied, seeming more embarrassed than either of the other two had been.

You scrunched your face at him. Now you needed to know what had happened. You couldn't help it, your curiosity was too strong.

"Come on, I told you mine." you insisted.

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