Chapter Thirty Nine

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Wednesday flew by, you and Suna had your test and you were pretty sure you actually did decent on it. Suna was a little less confident than you but was also sure he did okay. After school you, Kita, Aran, and Atsumu went to get milkshakes while Osamu and Suna were working.

It was now Thursday morning and you were up earlier than usual, determined to make sure you didn't forget anything you needed for the first day of the tournament. As you rushed around the kitchen your dad did his best to help make sure you were ready on time.

"Here y/n, I made a batch of cookies last night for you and your friends today." your dad said as he handed you a container.

"Thanks dad," you replied as you stuffed the container in your bag just as you heard Kita knock at the door. "I've gotta go, I'll see you tonight!" you called out as you ran to the door.

"Alright good luck today! I hope the boys do well!" your dad called back.

"Thanks!" you said before opening the door and leaving with Kita.

The two of you talked about the events in store for today while you traveled to school. All week you had been trying to decide what to do about your feelings but watching him happily chatter on about the team, you didn't know how long you could last before your heart burst. You liked him so much.

As you arrived at the school the twins and Aran were already there. You and Kita joined them in a group.

"Y/n you're sitting with me on this trip." Osamu instantly said when he saw you.

You laughed a little. "Sure." you replied, even though he didn't seem to be giving you a choice in the matter.

Suna arrived just as the bus that would take you guys did. "Cutting it a little close?" Osamu asked him.

"My morning's been shit." Suna answered unamused. He seemed to be more grumpy than he normally was in the mornings.

"Well hate to break it to you but you're with Tsumu on the bus." Osamu whispered even though Atsumu had already gotten on the bus.

Suna immediately scrunched his eyes in annoyance.

"What's wrong with sitting with Atsumu? He's fun." you said confused. You would have guessed that Atsumu would have been one of the more entertaining people to be beside on a long trip.

"Not on these trips. Dude gets so serious and focused that you can't even talk to him." Suna explained. That actually made a lot of sense. Now thinking about it Atsumu hadn't greeted you and Kita when the two of you arrived even though he was usually in a really good mood in the mornings. He was already focused on the game.

"You get him tomorrow." Suna said to Osamu.

"I'll sit with him." you volunteered. You were likely going to just sleep through the ride anyway so it didn't matter if he wasn't talking to you.

"She gets him Saturday." Suna agreed.

With that you three got on the bus, you taking a seat beside Osamu. "I'm probably gonna be sleeping for the majority of the trip. I love sleeping on car rides." you said to Osamu.

"Fair enough." Osamu said as he shifted so that his arm was around you making it a lot more comfortable for you to sleep. You cuddled up to him and quickly drifted off to sleep.

When Osamu shook you awake again the bus was already pulling up into the parking lot of a giant building. The team got off the bus and followed the coach into the building. It was set up very similar to the one at Miyagi but a bit bigger.

"Looks like we are on the first court. We play pretty early too." Suna stated, looking at the giant schedule posted in the front foyer.

"We should go warm up." Kita said. The team agreed and followed Kita to the big gym. You glanced around as you entered. You immediately noticed the giant stands with a huge band and a giant banner for your school. Shiratorizawa also had a massive fan stand so this wasn't all that odd for you to see.

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