Chapter Thirty Seven

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To go back home...

That's what you had wanted so badly. You had been so mad when your father had made you move across the country. You loved the people in Miyagi. You loved them so much.

But you couldn't bring yourself to say yes. Even if you moved back to Miyagi and went back to Shiratorizawa again, you would never be the same as you were. This place had changed you.

"Dad. I love you for offering that and I want you to put in an effort to fix things with my aunt. But I can't go back. This place owns a piece of me now, these people here are a part of me now. I don't want to leave. I like the me that I am here." you finally answered him.

Your dad stared at you for a long moment in shock. "When did you grow up so much?" he muttered in a whisper.

"Is that okay?" you asked.

"Of course. We can stay here." he replied with a smile. "So catch me up on your group here. I met the twins when we went to the movies. There was Suna who had been working on a project with you. Then Kita is the one who took you to Miyagi. What are they like?" he asked curiously.

You grinned. "Well, Atsumu is the loud one, he was the one you were talking to at the theaters. He is pretty funny too, he's always convincing me to do fun things and it's always a blast when he is around. He's also crazy good at volleyball, the best high school setter in Japan." you explained.

"Oh I do remember him. I liked him. That's an incredible accomplishment. Your team must be quite good." you dad replied.

"It is! His brother Osamu is really good too! You should see them play together. Osamu is the quieter of the two. But he is so understanding, you could tell this guy every secret you have and he'd keep it. He also a big movie fan even though he hardly actually watches and mostly just talks through them. It makes the experience better though." you said.

Your dad nodded along. "You and him kept whispering and giggling in the theater, I remember that too. Are all your friends on the team?"

You nodded. "They are! Suna is the one who was at our house for a project. He's an incredible middle blocker. This guy though. He takes any opportunity to tease me and he's always videoing everything. Which would be cool if he didn't post the videos." you said with a laugh.

Your dad laughed as well, still nodding along to your words. This was nice. You hadn't talked to your dad like this since you were a kid.

"Then there is Kita. He lives just down the street. I've never met anyone like him before dad. He is so sweet without even meaning to be, like he does all these little things just out of habit. And he is so thoughtful and conscious of how the people around him are feeling." you said. But you couldn't stop there, you still had so much to say about your friend.

"And I've never talked to anyone who listens to me so intensely without any divide in their attention the way he does. Oh and he's more on the serious side so sometimes he makes these blunt comments that make me laugh so hard and it always confuses him because he isn't trying to be funny but that just makes me laugh even more. But you should see him smile dad, there's nothing like it." you explained. You couldn't help but smile yourself as you talked about the boy.

Your dad was also smiling as he listened to you ramble on about Kita. "When he asked me if he could take you to Miyagi. He promised me that he would take good care of you. I can see he followed through with that promise." he said.

"It was a really good trip dad," you said.

"I'm glad. I want you to tell me all about it. But it's already pretty late and you have school in the morning. So you'll have to fill me in on the details tomorrow." your dad said.

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