Chapter Twenty Seven

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The next morning you had to fight to get Suna out of bed. You weren't surprised, he was always so sleepy in the mornings. You were getting better at waking him though - the key was to be as mean as possible.

You had chosen to completely push Haru's words aside, you couldn't let him come between you and Suna. It was just another one of his tactics to isolate you and it was only effective if you let it be.

As you violently shook Suna awake you realized this would be the last time he was sleeping over at your house. That made you sad, you had really liked having him there and you could tell he liked being here too.

"Ugh we have practice tonight even though it's a Tuesday." Suna whined as he got out of bed.

"It's not that bad. Besides, coach was nice enough to give us Friday off so stop complaining." you replied as you were packing up your bag.

The two of you got ready for school together. You and Suna were surprisingly able to clean his school shirt after completely messing it up the evening before. Within no time at all Kita was knocking on the front door.

You and Suna hurried out to walk with Kita.

"Good morning," Kita said like usual.

"Morning." you replied and Suna just nodded. Suna was even less of a morning person than you were.

"How was your night?" Kita asked.

"It was pretty good, we didn't do a whole lot after you left though. My dad comes home today so I'm excited for that," you replied. There was no way you were mentioning Haru showing up to either of them. You already planned to talk over everything with Osamu, he was the person you wanted to trust with the conversation you had with Haru.

The conversation then turned to your trip to Miyagi again and you excitedly told them about all your plans for the coming weekend. You had barely been able to stop thinking about your upcoming trip so it was nice to be able to talk about it with such a good listener.

The trip to school went by so quickly and before long you and Suna were parting ways with Kita.

When you walked into your classroom with Suna, you immediately noticed Haru sitting at the front of class. As you walked past him he gave you a disappointed look, raising an eyebrow in Suna's direction.

You quickly looked away from Haru. You couldn't let him get in your head. There was nothing wrong with your friendship with Suna - there was no way Suna was trying to control you. You refused to believe that.

As the class went on, you felt like you were actually understanding everything that was happening. It was a big step from where you were two weeks ago when you had first arrived to the class. You couldn't believe it had only been two and a half weeks since you moved to Hyogo, it felt like a whole lifetime had passed since you moved.

When the teacher told you to all work at your desks you glanced over at Suna who was distracted by his phone. You quickly pulled out your phone to send a quick message to Osamu.

Y/n: Hey. Any way for me to talk to you in private today?

About twenty minutes later when the bell was about to ring a reply came through.

Osamu: Yeah, I'll get us alone. Just follow my lead :)

Y/n: Thanks

You felt better knowing that you could trust Osamu with your Haru problems. It was nice to have a close friend you knew could help with any problem without judging or getting mad.

When the bell went off Osamu was quick to make it to your class door. The three of you then walked to lunch together. When you got there you took an end seat beside Kita and Osamu sat across from you beside Atsumu.

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