Chapter Fifty One

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Suna's expression softened at your words even though he still looked concerned. Atsumu looked like he desperately wanted to say something but his brother continued to stop him. The only way you could describe the way Osamu was looking at you was pride, he was proud of you for finally sticking up for yourself.

"We'll wait down the hallway for you. You should go." Kita was the one to respond.

You nodded before heading down the hallway. You were a little unsure about this decision but you knew you couldn't back down now. You were in such a good place in your life but you still had this one unfinished thing you needed to deal with.

"Hey." you said as you took a seat on the ground beside Haru. You had to be careful, you knew just yelling at him wouldn't get you anywhere with Haru. You had to make sure he could finally move on and leave you alone for good, and that meant a mature conversation. Even though you hated him and didn't want to be anywhere near him, you had to do this.

"Go away. I don't want to hear it from you with your perfect little life right now." Haru said harshly, refusing to look at you.

"I'm guessing the date didn't go well." you stated. You couldn't back down, that would leave him with all the power.

Haru looked over to glare at you for a minute before returning his attention to the lockers in front of him. "What do you fucking think? Girls aren't into guys who are still hung up on their shitty exes."

You bit your tongue to stop yourself from snapping at him from that comment. You had to keep your cool and resolve things with him. If you wanted things to ever get better between the two of you, you had to finally have a real conversation with him. Something you should have done a long time ago.

"I don't know if there is something I can say or do to make it easier to move on." you said. You were finally at a point where you had fully moved on from him but he was still stuck on your previous relationship.

"You can fuck off. You're just here because I told you that boy was too good for you. You're trying to prove that you aren't an asshole like me. But I don't need your fucking pity. Always acting like a saint when you clearly aren't, that makes you worse than me you know." Haru snapped at you.

Even though you weren't in a relationship and didn't even like him as a person anymore his words still hurt. It was always hard to hear someone telling you off to your face. But you weren't about to leave, you were putting everything between you and Haru to rest tonight.

"No, it doesn't. I'm not a saint. But you're wrong, I'm not a bad person." you stated, refusing to let his words get to you. Any other time you would have let his words get to you. You would have been questioning if he was right, if you were only nice to others to feel better about yourself. But right now you weren't questioning anything. You knew exactly who you were, a flawed human who was just doing their best like everyone else.

Haru looked at you in shock. He had obviously been counting on you shutting down and spiraling from his words.

"I don't get it Haru. You're attractive and smart and sometimes kinda funny. But then you choose to make people feel so little and shitty. Why can't you just treat me like an equal, why do I always have to be below you in your mind?" you asked. The truth was that if he wasn't so manipulative you would have really liked him.

Haru looked over at you, surprised probably from both you complimenting him and confronting him so openly. But for the first time in years Haru was looking at you without malice. As if he was seeing you as a real person for the first time.

"To be completely real with you, I don't know why I do that either. Sometimes it feels so good to be the person above everyone. I guess that's messed up." Haru confessed with a shrug.

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