Chapter Twenty Three

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When you woke up again you were still laying on Osamu's lap. He had his head back on the couch and was sleeping. Your legs were curled up to your chest and when you looked to the other side of the couch where your legs would have been stretched out you saw Suna sitting.

He was on his phone sipping at a mug and based off the smell of the room you assumed there was coffee in the mug.

"I thought you don't like getting up early." you stated as you sat up and quickly replaced the blanket on Osamu's lap. You could clearly remember fighting with him the previous day to get him to get out of bed.

Suna glanced over at you before returning his attention to his phone. "I don't. It's not early." he replied.

"What time is it?" you asked reaching forward to grab a sip of your water.

"Just after noon," he answered. That was crazy, you were almost never able to sleep in. Suna then looked over at you and grinned in a teasing way. "Did you have a good sleep?" he asked, looking over at Osamu who was still sleeping and then back to you with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut up." you said, smacking him in the arm as you rolled your eyes. You knew exactly what he was implying. Your words didn't stop Suna from laughing though.

"Where's Atsumu?" you suddenly asked.

"He's been out jogging since eight. He does that every Sunday, the guy's insane." Suna answered. Jogging all morning - that did sound like Atsumu.

"Do you have work today?" you asked. You didn't know yet what you were going to do for the rest of the day. Your dad was still on his work trip until Tuesday.

"Yeah. Me and Osamu both work this afternoon." Suna answered with a nod, his attention still on his phone.

"Hey! You better not be posting that video from yesterday." you suddenly said, remembering Suna had been recording Atsumu jump into the pool with you in his arms before you yelled at the both of them. The last thing you needed was for your classmates to think you had anger issues.

Suna looked over at you with a grin. "You already did, didn't you?!" you asked, practically yelling at him. He now started laughing as your confirmation.

You wasted no time in grabbing his phone out of his hand and bolted to the kitchen. You were trying to get onto his profile as he was chasing you. But he quickly caught you so you protectively held the phone in both hands and tucked it against your chest.

Suna quickly wrapped both arms around you from behind, trying to pry the device out of your hands.

"No back off!" you yelled, trying your best to hold onto his phone, unable to stop the laughter that was erupting out of you.

"No way!" Suna replied, also laughing. He had almost pried it completely from your grasp when you both froze at the sight of Osamu watching the two of you fight.

"You guys are such children. And so loud too." Osamu said, blinking a few times to wake himself up.

"He started it!" you stated as Suna finally got his phone free from your grip.

"I did not. She took my phone." Suna replied, putting his phone into his pocket.

Osamu gave the both of you a look before speaking. "Do ya think I care? I'm not your parents. Just make sure you keep the fighting over there."

You and Suna both looked at each other before laughing and moving back over to the couch, both completely dropping the fight.

After that the three of you ate breakfast before the two had to go to work. You also left with them, walking back to your own house for the rest of the afternoon.

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