Chapter Twenty Five

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The first half of class went by pretty fast. In no time at all the bell had rung and Osamu was waiting at your class door for you and Suna to go to lunch. On your way out of the classroom Haru stepped in your way.

"Y/n I need to talk to you about something," he said. His eyes looked desperate. You didn't know what he wanted. You also didn't know if you should listen. You had finally gotten away from him for good and now he was trying to pull you back in again.

"Can't you take a hint dude? She's not talking to you." Suna responded before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the class with him. Osamu was watching and glaring at Haru. Once you were out of the room, Suna released his grip on you.

"Sorry, I should have let you handle that. He just pisses me off so much." Suna immediately apologized.

You shook your head quickly. "It's fine. I appreciate you standing up for me."

"What does he even want now?" Osamu asked, still glaring in the direction of Haru.

You glanced back at Haru as you shrugged to Osamu's question. The hurt look Haru was giving you hurt a lot. Despite all that had happened between the two of you, you still hated to see him hurt like that because of you. You hated to see anyone hurt because of you. But as much as things had changed between the two of you - you were friends at one point.

"Let's just go to lunch." Osamu said, wrapping an arm over your shoulder to walk with you. At that you pulled your attention away from your ex, trying to forget the look of hurt he was wearing and the desperation in his voice. You hated him, you really did. But you still couldn't bring yourself to want him to hurt.

When you arrived at the lunch table you took a seat beside Kita and across from Osamu.

"Where's Atsumu?" you asked as you sat down.

"He's on the court obsessively practicing. Our qualifying tournament for Spring Nationals is at the end of next week." Aran answered. Kita seemed a little annoyed by that as he sighed quietly. Obviously Kita wanted to go retrieve Atsumu like he had the last time Atsumu was practicing over lunch.

"It's that soon? It feels like we still have more time," you said.

Kita looked over at you, dropping the annoyance he had just had. "Yeah, it starts on Thursday and as long as we stay in it, it'll last until Saturday. You'll need to get permission from your dad though since it is during class hours," Kita explained.

"Thank God it is. Any excuse to not be in that classroom," Suna chimed in with an eye roll. Kita frowned at his response but Aran chuckled.

"Because our town is small we have to travel for it. It's like a forty minute bus ride so we just commute." Aran added.

"That'll be fun though. The drive doesn't sound too bad. Besides, I'm looking forward to watching you guys play an official match." you said. You noticed Kita smile at your words.

Back at Shiratorizawa you had never had to travel for volleyball other than nationals. The Miyagi tournament was close by and any practice matches the team had was held at Shiratorizawa. You guys were definitely privileged.

"Nationals is in Tokyo this year. So that'll be a trip where we stay there." Osamu added with a cheek full of food.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. We have to keep focused on this tournament first," Kita cut in. The way Osamu spoke about Nationals reminded you of Ushijima. He never had any doubt that Shiratorizawa would end up there. But to his credit they always did. And with Inarizaki being as good as they were, you assumed they never had problems making it to Nationals either.

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