Chapter Six

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As you entered your house you were quick to discover your dad wasn't there. Still at work. With the added time of volleyball practice you were late coming home already after dinner hour. You remembered your dad saying he would be home for dinner this morning. You weren't surprised that he wasn't though.

Pretty much as soon as you had placed your bag on a kitchen chair your phone came buzzing with a call, it was a face time. You smiled when you saw your cousins name on the screen.

"Hey Tsutomu!" you greeted him as you held your phone up and his face came into view. He was walking outside, probably on his way home from volleyball practice.

"Y/n, you aren't going to believe this." he said, he sounded annoyed. You knew you were about to hear an entire rant, you weren't sure on what but Goshiki would surely fill you in.

"Oh no, what happened now?" you questioned, you knew it wasn't funny but you had to contain your laugh at how funny he looked when he was ticked off.

"So, we were at practice and went out for a run. Ushijima did his thing where he runs ahead. You know how he is." Goshiki began, you nodded at that. "Well he let two random kids from another school onto OUR campus to watch OUR practice. Isn't that ridiculous?"

You couldn't help but laugh a little, all that just over two people watching a practice? "I'm sure it's fine Tsu. It's not like them watching is going to make you guys any worse."

"That's what he said! But I don't want two guys from another team from another highschool at our practice. We don't go and crash their practice. Plus it's just weird to have two random kids watching us." Goshiki complained. You were tempted to point out that if they were highschoolers they were at least his age, but you didn't.

"You never would have let something like that slide if you were still here." he said, pouting a little.

"I'm sure coach Washijo won't let it happen again. Don't worry about it too much though. If they weren't from Seijo they were probably just some random highschoolers wanting to see what a high level practice looks like." you replied. Seijo had been the only school in the Miyagi prefecture that ever made it to finals with Shiratorizawa, and even they couldn't really give Shiratorizawa much of a challenge.

"I guess so." Goshiki reluctantly agreed with you.

"Let it go Tsutomu." you urged, knowing he was still worked up about it.

"Fine." Goshiki replied. Then quickly looked up and uttered an apology to someone. A minute later he looked back down at the phone. "I almost walked right into someone." Goshiki said, his eyes wide. You laughed at that.

"Oh have you talked to Shirabu lately?" he questioned, seeming to remember something he had forgotten.

"No, I think he is still trying to adjust to me being gone. I'll call him if he doesn't say anything by the weekend. I want to give him space to adjust first though. Is everything okay with him?" you asked. You worried about your best friend.

"Nothing like that. But something did happen and I thought he might be the one to tell you because he knows you best. He was really upset when he found out, he even had to leave practice early because he was too distracted." Goshiki explained.

The thought of Shirabu losing focus and leaving practice early made your stomach turn. If there was one thing you knew about that boy it was that he never lost focus or over worried. Not to mention Shirabu never missed practice. What could have happened?

"You have to tell me now." you said in a more serious tone. Goshiki looked hesitant. "Tsutomu. Tell me now." you insisted.

"Alright. Just don't freak out." he gave in. You knew he would cave the second you insisted. You nodded to his words to indicate that you could handle it. "Haru is moving to Hyogo. Y/n he is going to be at your school." Goshiki said.

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