Chapter Twenty Four

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When you heard the shower stop running you made your way back upstairs. You waited in your room for a few minutes before Suna entered wearing the pajama's you had given him with his hair soaking wet.

"I put my towel in the laundry hamper in the bathroom," Suna said as he entered the room. He then furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "You have a lot of facial care stuff." he stated. It was true, you took good care of your skin.

"Wanna try a face mask?" you questioned in response.

Suna seemed to contemplate your question then shrugged. "Sure, as long as there's no photo's involved."

You hadn't expected him to agree so easily. You grinned at his response though, you had never done the whole spa day thing with anyone. Back in Miyagi you mainly only hung out with Shirabu and Goshiki outside of school and you had never been able to convince either of them to do it.

You were suddenly very excited by the idea. "Okay! Hold on we gotta set the atmosphere first, can you put on some relaxing music and I'll go get the stuff!" you said in excitement. Suna chuckled a little at how excited you had gotten but then turned to his phone as he searched for the music.

You set everything up in the living room then called Suna down. He came down with the perfect music playing. You quickly lit a few candles to add to the vibe. You could recall having a night like this with your mom a few times but other than that you usually just did your skin care routine and that was it.

"Here, put this on," you instructed as you handed Suna a light blue headband. He listened to you and used it to pull his hair out of his face. You couldn't explain why but he looked so cute like that.

"So is this a whole process?" Suna asked curiously as you put a headband on yourself to keep your own hair out of your face.

'Yeah, it's supposed to make you feel relaxed," you answered.

You then proceeded to put face masks on the two of you. You giggled when Suna made a face as soon as the mask touched his skin, obviously he had imagined it to feel different. You then took the time to file the both of your nails, his hands were so delicate when you took them in yours. He seemed to be really intrigued by everything you did.

"Atsumu files his nails sometimes for volleyball. I never have though," Suna said, looking at his hands.

You laughed a little at that. "That somehow doesn't surprise me, he's so serious about that game."

You took out a few polishes before deciding on a very neutral colour to paint your nails. Suna looked at the polish intrigued.

"Can I paint your nails?" he asked.

"Sure," you replied with a slight laugh as you handed it over to him. He took your hand in his very gently. As he painted your nails he seemed to be completely focused in on his task, taking extra care not to mess it up.

"So is there a rule that we are supposed to be quiet?" Suna asked.

"Generally people are. But we don't have to be. Anything you wanna talk about?"

Suna shrugged to your question. "Nothing in particular."

"Okay. Ask me anything. Then I'll ask you something." you said, Suna was one person who could be hard to read. You wouldn't mind the opportunity to get to know him better.

"Alright. Favourite food?" he asked.

You thought for a minute. "If it's a meal then pasta, if it's desert then pie. Especially strawberry." you answered. There were so many things you wanted to ask him but you settled with a simple question like he had. "Favourite colour?"

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