Chapter Twenty Six

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After Kita had left you took the time to shower and clean yourself up. Then you decided to order a pizza for the two of you to share. Suna went upstairs to take a turn showering while you waited for the pizza to be delivered.

Shortly after he had gone upstairs you heard the doorbell ring. It was a bit fast but you figured that was because the town was small meaning the pizza place wouldn't be so busy.

As you answered the door you were hit with shock when you saw not a pizza delivery man but instead Haru standing on your step.

"What are you doing at my house? This is so inappropriate, you have to know that too." you said immediately. You couldn't believe he would go to the length of showing up at your house just to get you to talk to him. It was almost scary.

You probably would have panicked a lot more if Suna hadn't been just upstairs. Although Haru had never physically hurt you, so you had never been afraid of him. You just didn't want to hear him out. You didn't want to give him the opportunity to even attempt to gain control over you again... Deep down you knew that he probably could.

"You wouldn't let me talk to you at school so I had to come here. You didn't give me any other options. You are constantly surrounded by your little guard dogs at school." Haru replied. So he did want to corner you when you were alone.

"They have nothing to do with me not wanting to talk to you. That was a decision I made on my own." you stated.

"Is it?" Haru questioned. You scrunched your face at him. Was he really surprised that you didn't want to interact with him after everything that had happened between the two of you? "You wanted to talk to me today. I could see it in your eyes. It was Suna who had stepped in and decided you weren't going to talk to me." he said.

That wasn't true. You didn't want to talk to Haru, that had been clear. Suna just stepped in to drill that fact into Haru's head. Suna had stepped up to protect you from Haru. He wasn't making your decisions for you.

Haru took the opportunity to step into your house, taking a seat on the bench beside the front door. For some reason you didn't stop him, you just let him enter your house. You shut the door and took a seat beside the boy.

"Haru, you know damn well that I don't want to talk to you. Just because Suna was the one to say it doesn't mean it isn't true." you said. But for the first time since your breakup you spoke to him in a calm tone.

"I know that it is true. And I know I really made some really big mistakes with you. But I wish you could see what is happening. Don't you think you should be the one to tell me to go away if you want me to go away. Or at least be the one to tell them to yell at me?" Haru questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.

"I honestly don't see what the big deal is Haru. I wanted you to go away and you did. Why should it matter who was the one to tell you to leave?" you replied. He was grasping at straws trying to create a problem where one didn't exist.

Haru seemed calm, his facial expression never changing. "I thought this would matter to you of all people y/n. I mean jumping in and deciding who you should and shouldn't interact with... isn't that what you got so mad at me for?"

You froze. This was different. This had to be different. Suna was a way better person than Haru. What he had done was so different than what Haru had done.


*11 months earlier*

"I wanna stay in all day. Let's watch a movie, there's a couple I've really been wanting to see lately." Haru stated as he flopped onto the couch, laying his head on your lap and looking up at you.

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