Chapter Forty Five

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You and Kita immediately fell in stride with one another as you walked down the sidewalk together.

"You look really amazing y/n. You're a very beautiful girl." Kita said pretty much as soon as you started walking.

You smiled. "Thank you Kita. You're not so bad yourself." He smiled at your compliment.

"I hope you don't mind taking the train down, I wish I could drive us." Kita said as you guys walked.

You looked over at him and smiled. "Kita, any extra time I get to spend with you tonight makes me happy."

You two made it to the train stop to take it to the movie theater. Once you and Kita had gotten on the train you were able to easily find two spots beside each other since it was basically empty.

"You know up until I moved here five weeks ago I had only taken the train like maybe four times before. But now I've taken it more times than I can keep track of." you said with a laugh as the train started moving.

"I actually really like the train. I find the motion of it calming." Kita said. He then smiled as he discretely slid his hand into yours. "Besides, whenever I'm on the train I usually get to hear some crazy story that sounds made up that I know isn't."

You laughed at that. "Well some of them might be a little exaggerated. Gotta make them entertaining." you replied.

Kita smiled at your response and gave your hand a small squeeze.

"So have you been to this dessert bar before or are we both testing it out for the first time together?" you asked. You loved desserts so you weren't complaining though.

"I've never been there but Aran suggested it to me. He takes his little sister there sometimes and it has her approval. She is six and a very picky eater." Kita explained.

"Well if that's the case it must be good." you replied. Kita nodded.

The train slowly made its way to your stop. Kita motioned for you to get off first but had a hand on your back as he followed you. He then moved to walk beside you again, you immediately noticed how naturally he just took the side of the sidewalk closer to the road.

You guys made your way to the street with all the little shops and restaurants on it. The sparkling white Christmas lights were already lighting up the street, and the snow glistened in the light. It wasn't currently snowing but there was somewhat fresh snow on the ground.

Kita held the door open for you to enter the old style movie theater first and you thanked him.

"So popcorn or candy? Or both?" Kita asked after he had bought the tickets for the movie.

"I'm feeling popcorn right now." you answered. Kita nodded to that and got a bucket of popcorn for the two of you to share.

The two of you made your way to your seats. You couldn't help but continuously glance beside you during the movie at Kita. You had to hold in your laughter at the way he got so into the movie, he would subconsciously lean forward at every intense scene and his mouth would hang open a little at all the big reveals.

About halfway through the movie you two had finished the popcorn so you took hold of his hand. Kita looked over at you at the contact. "Are you having a good time?" he whispered to you.

You smiled and nodded. You really were. As you watched, Kita started to gently rub his thumb over the back of your hand the same way he had when you held his hand on the curb outside the restaurant when the team had been celebrating their big win.

You looked over at him as he continued to move his thumb and you smiled when you saw how his attention was on the screen, eyes wide at the action unfolding in the movie. You wondered if the way he soothingly rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand was just a subconscious action. To be honest, you wouldn't mind if it was because you really liked it, it both gave you butterflies and made you smile.

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