Chapter Thirty Six

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You didn't know how to deal with this new realization. What could you do? It was clear that Kita cared about you and loved you, but could that love ever go beyond a friendship?

He was also graduating a year before you, was it really smart to complicate things right now? Not to mention Aran had mentioned that Kita had a crush on some girl in their class a while ago. There was already some lucky girl that had caught his attention.

As hard as it was, you knew that you needed to suppress these feelings. You couldn't risk ruining what you already had with Kita.

"Are you okay y/n? Did what Kaito said bother you?" Kita asked, looking over at you in concern.

"I'm fine. It felt really nice to finally shut that guy up for once. Thank you for that." you replied quickly, trying to shake the feelings you had just realized. You had to let things stay the way they already are right now.

"It wasn't a problem. I was worried I was overstepping to be honest." Kita said.

You smiled. "No, you did me a huge favour."

Kita smiled in return. You loved his smile so much. "So where is this breakfast place at? You said it was near your old house. Did you want to walk past there as well?" Kita asked.

You nodded. "I would like to. If you don't mind, I'd really like to go visit my moms grave before we leave too. Just for a few minutes."

Kita's features softened. "Of course we can do that. For as long as you want."

You nodded, you knew he would say that. "The breakfast place is this way." you said as you motioned for him to follow you.

The two of you walked together down the street. You noticed the way he fell into stride with you on the side of the sidewalk closer to the road. You wondered how long you would keep noticing all these little things he did before you could fully push your feelings aside. You knew it would eventually get easier, but right now... it felt impossible.

You led him down a familiar street and stopped in front of the house that was once yours. It mostly looked the exact same as you had left it. But there were a few kid toys littering the driveway and lawn. It was a reminder that this house was no longer yours.

"It's so weird to think of another family living here. I lived in this house my whole life." you stated as you stared at the place.

"It's a beautiful home." Kita said.

You nodded in agreement. "I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to make my new place feel like home." you said.

Kita thought for a moment. "It probably just takes time."

"Yeah, I hope so." you said. "Let's keep going, we're almost there." you added. All you had wanted to do was see the place, this was enough.

Within another ten minutes you two arrived at a cute little breakfast shop. You got a booth seat beside a giant window.

"When I was younger my mom would go out with Shirabu's mom every Saturday morning so my dad and I would come here." you said as you looked around the familiar place.

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Kita said with a small smile.

"It was! I used to gossip to him about everything happening at my school. There can be a lot of drama for an elementary school girl." you explained.

Kita laughed a little. "I can imagine."

"Oh I'm not kidding Kita." you said before diving into stories from when you were younger. Kita seemed to find each one amusing as he listened closely and asked questions. After your mom passed you had thought that you would never sit in that restaurant gossiping about everything ever again. Kita gave you a piece of your old self without even meaning to.

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