Chapter Eight

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As the final bell rang you and Suna were quick to leave since you packed up when he did this time. Osamu was waiting at your class door for you. You and Suna stepped out of the classroom and stood to talk with him.

"We're going to the gym. I'm teaching y/n how to serve." Osamu informed Suna. "Wanna come?" he offered.

Suna nodded. "I've got a shift tonight but I can come for a little. When are you working?" You forgot that they worked at the same place.

"Not until tomorrow after practice. You have a shift then too though, right?" Osamu replied.

"Yeah, I'm working all week now." Suna said disappointed. He looked over at you. "You planning on working this year?" he asked. You hadn't even thought about getting a job. You didn't need the money but the experience wouldn't be a bad thing.

"I don't know. Haven't really thought about it to be honest." you answered.

"Don't. It sucks." Suna said.

"It's not that bad." Osamu cut in. "Suna's just dramatic." he added to you. You laughed and Suna rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go to the gym before I have to leave. Besides I don't want to be near this classroom for any longer than I have to." Suna said.

With that the three of you went to the volleyball gym. You disappeared into one of the changerooms to get into sports clothes. When you came back out the other two were already in the gym. Osamu was already changed into new clothes but Suna still had his school uniform on. But he had taken off the jacket and tie leaving him in just the white button up, you figured he was just there to watch.

"Okay, I really don't believe you when you say you can't get it over the net." Osamu said tossing a volleyball at you. You caught the ball and walked over to stand beside him behind the serve line.

You gave your best attempt at a serve but cringed when it didn't even make it far enough to hit the net. "I told you." you said, looking back over to Osamu who seemed genuinely surprised. He definitely thought this would be easier than it was.

On the bench you could hear Suna erupt with laughter. "You really suck at that!" he laughed out.

Osamu wasted no time in handing you over another ball. You took the ball and did your best to chuck it at Suna. But unfortunately he was quick to react and volley it into the air making it easy for him to catch.

Osamu gave you another ball but this time you held onto it. "Try loosening your shoulders this time," Osamu suggested. You nodded to his request, lining yourself up at the line.

Before you tried again Suna called out. "Wait a minute y/n!" You turned to face him, expecting some sort of advice. But instead he held up a phone. "Okay, go ahead now." he called out.

"Osamu, would you hold this for me for a minute?" you questioned, turning to the twin. Osamu nodded, taking the ball from your hand.

"I'm gonna kill you Rintaro Suna!" you yelled as you took off in a run after the boy. Suna began to run away from you, continuing to record. You could hear Osamu laughing behind you, but you didn't turn, determined to tackle Suna.

When Suna finally stopped running you ran into him purposefully, almost successfully knocking him over, but instead he stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance.

"Alright, I won't record you fail. Go try again." Suna said as he gave your back a slight push towards Osamu. You glanced back at him, grinning in victory.

When you made it back over to Osamu he handed you the ball again. You tried loosening your shoulders like Osamu had suggested. This time you sent the ball flying straight into the net. It was an improvement but not by much.

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