Chapter Forty Nine

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You spent Sunday with your father. It was really nice to catch up with him after being so busy for the past week. Plus it was nice to just stay in for the day after having such an active day the previous day.

Monday went by fairly quick. Your day was normal other than the odd glance Haru was giving you. You were sure that by now he must have heard that you and Kita were going out together. The two of you never really showed any pda at school, but rumors still fly fast. You didn't mind though, you weren't embarrassed to be dating Kita. If anything it would only help your reputation.

But there was definitely something up with Haru that you didn't like. It gave you a bad feeling that was unsettling.

You tried your best to let that feeling die when Haru loudly asked a girl out to the dance with him on Tuesday morning. You couldn't help but notice him glance over at you when she accepted. Something was off about him and you could only hope it wouldn't ruin your evening at the dance.

There was no practices on Tuesday's so Kita dropped you off at your house right after school so the two of you could both get ready for the dance set for later this evening.

You didn't know why but you really couldn't get rid of this really bad sinking gut feeling about the dance. For some reason you just knew something bad was going to happen tonight. You didn't know what it was you just knew that your night wasn't going to go the way you had planned.

But as you combed through your closet you tried your best to push that thought aside. All you wanted was to dress up pretty and dance without a care in the world. You had an amazing group of friends, a fixed relationship with your father, and the perfect boyfriend. Nothing could ruin what you had going for you right now.

You finally decided on a cute little dress you had bought one day when you were out with Tendou in Miyagi. You had loved it the second you saw it and Tendou had managed to convince you to buy it even though you hadn't been planning on shopping. But it was absolutely gorgeous and fit your style so well.

You then did up your hair nicely and put on a little makeup to complete the look. You smiled at your reflection, you looked beautiful.

When you walked down the stairs your dad looked up from the paper he had been reading and stared at you for a moment.

"What?" you finally asked with a small laugh. Your dad had seen you dressed up before, while it wasn't an everyday look for you it still wasn't anything completely new.

"You look so much like your mother." he finally said. You smiled. Hearing him talk about her was such a refreshing surprise. He used to avoid her name at all costs but lately he had started bringing her up again. You had always loved talking about her even though she was gone.

"Thanks dad," you said softly. His words meant a lot to you.

There was a sudden knock at the door and you couldn't help but smile when you noticed that it was 7:00 exactly.

When you opened the door Kita stood there. He was wearing a classic black suit. He looked absolutely stunning all dressed up. But you had to raise an eyebrow when you noticed the little plant in a pot he was holding.

Kita immediately noticed your gaze on the plant in his hands. "My intention was to bring a bouquet of roses for you. But when I saw this the colour reminded me of your eyes and I couldn't walk away from it. I thought maybe instead of roses you could have this and we could plant it together in the spring. It'll remind us of this night everyday." Kita explained.

You smiled brightly. Maybe in another life you would have wanted the classic bouquet of roses. But in this life, what Kita had brought you meant more than any rose could ever. Kita wanted to give you memories in the simple things.

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