Chapter Twelve

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It was now Sunday. You were disappointed that your weekend was going by so quickly but at least your dad was home for the entire day now. The day was already half over, you were sitting in the kitchen with your father, he was reading the newspaper and you were finishing up some homework. Even if the two of you were quiet you still liked when he was home.

"Y/n, do you wanna go catch a movie? One of my coworkers said that there is a nice movie theater in town. I'll let you pick the movie." your dad questioned. He had folded his paper, clearly finished with it. Back in Miyagi you and him went to the theater almost every weekend and would often drag Shirabu out as well.

You smiled, you had been mad at him all week for working so much but now you felt bad. He was trying his best. "Yeah, let's do that."

Your father owned a car so the two of you drove out to the theater. Atsumu was right when he had said it was old style. It was tiny and looked like it had been around for decades. But it was really nice. As you walked up the steps you glanced down the street at the cafe and wondered if Suna was working. You still couldn't believe he worked almost everyday.

"Let's get some popcorn and load it up with butter. I'll also grab some Oh Henrys." your dad suggested as the two of you got in the lineup. "What do you want to see?" he questioned.

You scanned the list of movies. There wasn't anything you had been desperately wanting to see. You landed on one that seemed like your best option out of all of them. "How about the new marvel movie?" you suggested. Your dad nodded as he purchased the tickets and the food.

"Y/n?" your heart skipped a beat when you heard the voice behind you. You turned to see the twins standing there. Atsumu was holding two movie tickets and Osamu had a large bag of popcorn.

"Hey," you said in greeting.

"Wasn't expecting to see ya here!" Atsumu exclaimed excitedly. Osamu nodded but was too busy already digging into the popcorn bucket to speak.

You nodded. "I came with my dad. He has the day off." you explained, glancing over to see your dad making his way back over to you. Atsumu met your eyes at the mention of your dad having the day off, he was obviously thinking about the time you had been upset about him working so much.

"Are these your friends y/n?" your dad asked as he moved to stand beside you. Something about the situation was so embarrassing. You weren't embarrassed to be seen in public with your dad but having the twins there speaking to your father was a fear you had never realized you had. It was safe to say Atsumu and Osamu were no Shirabu and Goshiki. You had no idea how your dad would react to the twins or how the twins would react to your dad.

"Yes sir. She is also the manager of our volleyball team." Atsumu answered before you could. You had never expected him to be the type to say sir, however you had also never seen him interact with any adult.

"Manager? I didn't know you were doing that." your dad said, turning to you. Oh God. Now it looked like you never spoke to your father. You had come home late every single day the past week because of volleyball and the boys knew that. At least Atsumu knew it was because your dad was working and not because you were shut away in your room.

"Yeah dad. They didn't have a manager and I still wanted to do it after Shiratorizawa." you explained quickly. You wanted this conversation to be over. You wanted to go back home and crawl into bed and pretend this day never existed. You knew you were being overdramatic and overthinking things but you didn't care.

Then to your horror, your dad spoke again. "Are you two watching the new marvel movie? You should come sit with us."

Please say no. Please say no.

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