Chapter Forty

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Atsumu got his energy drink from the vending machine and bought you an Oh Henry bar without you even asking for it. You then went to sit with Kita and Aran at the cafeteria and eat. You four mostly talked about the game you guys had scheduled for later today.

After eating you all met up with Suna and Osamu who were still in the stands watching the other teams play. It was cool to watch the games from up in the stands. Almost every volleyball game you had watched you had been beside the court. Other than elementary school when you would watch Shirabu, but they didn't have huge stands like this for elementary school games.

"Oh! My dad sent cookies for us all." you said as you pulled the container out of your bag. Suna was the first to take one and immediately made a face as he took a bite of it.

"What?" you asked as you took one yourself. When you took a bite you immediately knew why he had made the face. "Safe to say that baking isn't his new calling." you said with a laugh. Something about the cookies was absolutely disgusting, you didn't know if it was the mix of flavours or something else though.

Osamu grabbed one curiously. He took a bite, the disgust didn't show on his face though. His expression actually didn't change at all as he chewed the bite he took. "He added too much salt and didn't put them in for quite long enough." Osamu stated with a shrug. "Atsumu's done worse." he added as he finished his cookie.

"Hey!" Atsumu responded to the attack. But Osamu turned his attention away from his brother and back to the game going on below you guys.

Eventually Suna and Osamu left to eat. Then a while later you met them back on the court to prepare for your second game.

The second game goes by just as fast as the first one and your team ends up winning back to back sets. By the time you guys were on the bus you were exhausted again. Osamu didn't even question when you leaned against him for the ride home.

When you got home you saw your dad briefly but pretty much passed out as soon as you were home. You weren't even the one playing but you were absolutely exhausted.

Friday went by almost the exact same as Thursday. You sat with Suna on the bus this time and you guys only had one game instead of two. But the game had the same result as the other two. As you had expected Inarizaki was a little too good for this tournament. The same thing always happened with Shiratorizawa, there was only one team that ever posed a challenge in Miyagi and even they couldn't come close to Shiratorizawa.

It was now Saturday and you were watching as the final game took place. You were standing between Kita and the coach. You and the coach were working on some strategy planning and Kita would add the odd advice. He knew the team probably better than either of you and every comment he made showed that.

Inarizaki took the first set and you cheered loud when they got the final point. Atsumu looked over to met your gaze at the sound of your cheers and grinned. You raised your eyebrows at him and he made a face back, the two of you once again speaking to each other even though you were far apart from one another.

The coach let you take the lead once again when the team gathered around you. This time you weren't as nervous as you explained exactly what you wanted them to do. You were gaining confidence in yourself, once again taking a step towards your dream job that you once believed was completely unattainable.

You watched in amazement as the boys won their second set. They were now only one set away from Nationals.

This set was a lot closer than the previous ones. But once again this team just wasn't on the same level as Inarizaki. As the ball hit the ground for the final point you yelled out happily, grabbing Kita's wrist to drag him along with you to join the group hug the rest of the team was running in for. Kita seemed taken by surprise for a moment but then joined in a little awkwardly.

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