Chapter Forty One

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"What are you two doing out here? Samu ordered a dessert tray and you guys are gonna miss it." Atsumu's voice came from behind the two of you. You and Kita quickly let go of each others hand and turned to look at Atsumu.

"Thanks for the heads up. We're coming in now." you replied. Atsumu nodded before heading back into the restaurant.

"Are you okay to go in or do you need more time out here?" Kita asked in concern.

You nodded your head yes in answer. "I'm alright to go back now. Thanks Kita." you said. Kita nodded before standing. He held the door for you and the two of you found the seats you had been in.

You took your seat between Suna and Osamu again.

"Y/n, you missed Tsumu almost die." Osamu said with a burst of laughter as you sat back down.

"Die?" you asked in concern as Suna also started to laugh.

"He thought the appetizer we ordered were breaded pickles so he stuffed one in his mouth but they were actually mozzarella sticks and the cheese burnt his mouth." Suna explained in laughter.

"He was running around fanning his mouth and almost tripped on the chair!" Osamu added in a louder outburst of laughter. It was a good thing the restaurant was nearly empty.

Atsumu rolled his eyes at the two making fun of him. "Glad to see my pain is amusing you both so much. The roof of my mouth is still numb." Atsumu said, but his words were only successful in causing the two to laugh even harder.

You couldn't help but grin at them. "Are you okay Atsumu?" you asked.

"Finally someone who cares about my pain!" Atsumu exclaimed.

"If you want people to care that you are in pain, stop doing stupid shit." Osamu responded. With that Atsumu and Osamu jumped into an argument with one another. You and Suna looked at each other and made a face the same way you always did when they fought.

You had to admit, you were already feeling a lot better just having them all as friends. They knew how to lift your mood when you were upset. They could all make you laugh when you wanted to cry, but only Kita could just let you cry when you needed to be sad.

The group of you all devoured the dessert tray, each taking a piece of everything. The group of you happily chatted for a while after the food was all done, then you all finally decided to end the night. Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna went off in the direction of the Miya house and Aran went his own way. Along with the rest of the team who also went in their own directions. And you and Kita headed towards your street.

As you walked you couldn't help but think about what you had done. Had you really grabbed hold of his hand?

What did he think of that? Was he just being nice and trying to comfort you or was he also quietly wondering to himself what exactly your hand holding meant?

You were walking in a comfortable silence beside the boy but your mind was racing.

Kita suddenly stopped walking. You stopped and looked back at him. He was holding out his hand and looking at the sky with a smile. "It's snowing." he said.

You had been so deep in thought that you hadn't even noticed the snow. Of course Kita did though, he noticed all the small things.

Winter was quickly approaching. The nights were already darker and the days had started getting cooler.

"I love the snow." Kita said as he started to walk again.

"Really? I have to say I love the summer and spring days so much better." you replied.

Fake or Real ~ InarizakiWhere stories live. Discover now