Chapter Fourteen

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Suna never returned to class. You figured he was in a lot of trouble given his record with the principal.

Atsumu and Osamu had a crumbling reputation because of Haru. Suna was in a ton of trouble with the principal and probably his parents because of Haru. Kita was next. What was his attack on Kita going to be? How many more weapons did he have in his arsenal?

There was no volleyball practice on Tuesdays so you met up with Kita as soon as the bell rang. You just wanted to be far away from the classroom and far away from Haru. You moved to walk with Kita.

"God, you're still so annoying! They see it too you know."

Was Haru right? Did you annoy the others? Kita in particular. You didn't stop talking around him. He listened, but maybe he was wishing you would just shut up. You did talk too much. Kita was too polite to tell you to shut up himself. 

"How was your day?" Kita asked. You couldn't talk too much. You didn't want to annoy him.

"Good." you answered. Kita waited a moment for you to continue but you didn't. You refused to ramble on to him.

"Any stories from the day?" Kita prompted. He was clearly waiting for you to dive into details like you usually did. God, you were so annoying.

"No." you replied shortly.

Kita's face furrowed. He was mad. He must have been. Did he hate you?

"Did I do something to offend you y/n?" Kita asked. He was always straight forward. You felt bad. He hadn't done anything wrong. You were the one in the wrong, coming from nowhere and disrupting his peaceful schedule.

"No, you didn't." you answered. Kita looked relieved at that.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" he asked.

You shrugged. "I don't know." you replied. You were far too afraid of rambling on in a useless tangent, wasting his time. You knew he wanted you to talk, but you still couldn't bring yourself to do it. Haru's words had hit you far too hard.

Kita looked over at you with wide eyes. He looked hurt. But he didn't say anything. He didn't ask you anything else. The rest of the trip was silent. That was what he would have wanted. That's what you thought anyways.

You hated the silence between you and Kita. But you couldn't do anything about it. You didn't know what to do. Haru was slowly gaining control over your life again and you didn't know how to stop him.


The next morning Kita was at your door at 7:00 exactly just like normal. You were already packed when he got there. "Good morning y/n." Kita said as you stepped out onto the porch step.

"Morning." you replied like usual.

"How was your evening?" Kita asked the same question he asked you every morning.

"Good." you answered. Today it went further than just not wanting to annoy Kita. You were also distracted by the fear of what Haru would do to Kita today. After that, Kita didn't say anything else. Your entire journey to school was silent.

When you arrived at school you waited in the classroom for Suna but he never showed again. You really hoped it wasn't because he had gotten in trouble.

"Looks like you've found new people to mess up."

Haru's words were true. You were messing everything up for all of them. They didn't need this. They were all doing fine before you arrived and didn't need you.

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