Chapter Fifty Two

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A few months have passed since the night of the dance. As time moved along so did you. Spring Nationals came and passed. The team got their hearts broken, and just as Kita had predicted in the moment, you guys eventually healed from your loss and started looking forward to new possibilities in the future.

The past few months couldn't have gone better. Haru never bothered you anymore and you didn't feel this massive weight on you every time you were in his presence. True to his word, Haru really was working on improving himself, you never spoke to him but you could tell from a distance that he wasn't as bad as he used to be. You were even starting to get to a point where you could feel your hatred towards him fading.

Your dad was about to start a new job that he was genuinely excited for, a job that allowed him to have a life outside of work. The two of you now spent a lot of time together and now once a week you would call Goshiki and your aunt to have an online game night with them. It took time but your dad had really managed to fix things with both you and his sister.

You still called Goshiki and Shirabu on separate occasions than with your dad though because you loved gossiping about your life and keeping updated on everything happening in your hometown. Plus those two never failed to put a smile on your face.

Atsumu never stopped dragging you out of your comfort zone to do crazy things - you still couldn't ever say no to that boy no matter what it was he was trying to convince you to do. Suna continued to tease you every opportunity he got, keeping you constantly laughing. Osamu and you had spent countless hours binging movies and creating as many new recipes as you could - which only a small handful actually turned out.

And then there was Kita. Despite all this time you never ran out of things to talk about. You were still yet to find a story you didn't want to tell him or a story that he didn't want to hear. The same went for him, the more time you spent together the crazier his stories became. Turns out he was holding back so many stories that you found hilarious, even when he didn't quite understand why you were laughing so hard.

Kita had eventually graduated and the ceremony was beautiful. It had been a lovely spring morning when it happened and the whole team was there cheering him and Aran on. Even after he had finished his time at Inarizaki the two of you never lost that spark and connection between you.

When you had brought him home to properly meet your father as your boyfriend it went amazing. Your dad loved him and Kita really liked talking to your dad. It opened up the opportunity for many more days with the two of them as well as days with Kita and his grandmother.

As it was starting to get nicer you had opened up your backyard pool and just as you had insisted Kita's grandmother did come over and swim in it. She had a talent for it unlike any you had ever seen. The entire time she was out there her bright smile made you smile yourself.

You were happier than you had ever been. You couldn't believe that it was only a half a year ago that you had begged your dad not to bring you to Hyogo. Everything about this town had healed you. Only a few small interactions with a few idiots who loved volleyball and your life had changed forever.

"You ready y/n?"

You looked beside you at Suna who was in the drivers seat of his black car.

"Yeah." you replied with a smile and a nod as you turned your attention to the open road ahead of you.

"Y/n, turn up the music. It'll make the experience even better!" Atsumu called out form the seat behind Suna.

"And roll the windows down. That's an important part." Osamu added from the spot behind you.

You nodded. "Got it!" you said as you blasted the music a little louder than you probably should have. You also rolled down your window to feel the nice spring air against your face. It was about three in the morning but you didn't care. You would choose to be right where you were seated over being tucked into your warm bed every single time.

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