Chapter Thirty Five

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After playing quite a few matches of volleyball you guys decided to call it quits. Although Goshiki hadn't wanted to. Goshiki's mom had bought bread and sandwich meat for you all to make sandwiches for lunch.

You all hung out for a while until it was early evening. "We should head out now if we wanna get set up before the fireworks start." Semi suggested. He was right, since winter was quickly creeping up the nights came a lot quicker now.

The group of you set off. You walked beside Tendou who was keeping you updated on everything you had missed.

"... Oh! Goshiki got attacked by a seagull last week, it was quite hilarious," Tendou added in after telling you about coach Washijo almost tripping down the stairs at their last practice.

"He what? And I missed it?" you asked, very intrigued by the idea of your cousin being attacked by a seagull.

"He's overexaggerating, it just wanted my food." Goshiki said as he turned from where he had been walking in front of you. But the way his face was red you could tell the whole thing had been very embarrassing and Tendou wasn't exaggerating.

"Alright. I believe you Tsutomu." you said. He turned back around seeming satisfied with your response. You then grinned and turned back to Tendou. "So, did it get his food?" you asked with a couple laughs.

Goshiki immediately turned again and scrunched up his face in disapproval at you making fun of him.

Tendou laughed at Goshiki's expense. He then glanced behind him. "He speaks." he stated. You turned to see what Tendou was talking about and immediately saw Ushijima talking with Kita beside him listening to what he was saying. Ushijima was never much of a chatter, but Kita was just such a good listener it was nearly impossible not to talk to him.

"What an interesting guy." Tendou stated as he turned to face forward again, obviously talking about Kita.

"He is." you agreed with a small smile.

You noticed Shirabu looking back at you from the corner of his eye with a puzzled look. "What?" you asked, raising your eyebrows at your friend.

"Nothing." Shirabu quickly replied as he shook his head and turned his attention back to where he was walking.

"We should go to the store to grab some sparklers and snacks," Goshiki suggested. There was no objection so the group of you made your way over there.

For some reason Tendou had been given the task of pushing the shopping cart around. Which was a terrible job for him. He was way more interested in trying to run it into Goshiki and Shirabu than actually stirring it. You could tell it was starting to get on Shirabu's nerves so you jumped on the end of the cart to distract Tendou.

You had to admit it was a lot of fun having him push you around the store though.

There was a disagreement on which snacks should be chosen so you guys ended up with a variety. Including cookies, chips, and a fruit and vegetable tray.

You all made it over to the lake close to your old house. By this time it was already starting to get darker out and the night sky was beautiful, with multiple stars clearly visible and a big bright moon.

You noticed your cousin standing on the dock and looking into the dark night water.

"Hey Tsutomu, wanna go swimming?" you asked, walking up behind him.

"Don't even think about pushing me! I'm serious y/n!" he said, immediately turning to face you. You grinned at him.

"Y/n!" Goshiki shouted more serious this time.

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