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Chapter 466 The jealous little dumpling

Early in the morning, Fang Xiaobei got up early and ran to the small kitchen to clean up.

Today was the first day that his junior sister returned to the Piaomiao Sect. He wanted to make some food for his junior sister, and he wanted her to satisfy her craving.

As a result, as soon as he entered the small kitchen, he saw Gu Nanyu inside. Porridge was simmering on the stove, and Gu Nanyu was slowly making glutinous rice balls with bean paste.

"Senior Brother, it's so early for you," Fang Xiaobei sat down at the table with emotion on his face, "It's been a long time since I've been in this small kitchen, and you came just after Junior Sister came back."

Gu Nanyu made the balls slowly and ignored Fang Xiaobei.

However, with Fang Xiaobei's character, even if no one pays attention to him, he can still talk to himself for half an hour.

Therefore, even though Gu Nanyu ignored him, he started to nag: "You said that you and junior sister really have to wait for eighty-three years? She is not sensible, and you are not sensible either?"

Gu Nanyu ignored Fang Xiaobei.

Fang Xiaobei raised his head and slumped on the chair: "Oh, I can't wait for Xiaotao's ten years."

Gu Nanyu said calmly: "Are you sure you can marry a peach blossom demon back home?"

Fang Xiaobei had a headache. If he wanted to get married, he would definitely take it home to show his parents.

The other new daughters-in-law are cooking and washing clothes for Po Po. What is Xiaotao going to do? Performing frying peach kernels with a big shovel?

And Xiaotao...does she know what it means to get a wife...

Moreover, the intermarriage between the human world and the demon world is unprecedented. If it happens in the future, what kind of children will be born...

Fang Xiaobei was caught in a dilemma.

Gu Nanyu woke up.

After the porridge in the casserole was boiling, I heard the door open, followed by the voice of little Xingchen, who was half asleep.

"Sister...I haven't slept enough..."

Then came Xingwan's gentle voice: "Then do you smell the aroma of the porridge?"

Little Xingchen was in a daze. He was not as interested in eating as his sister. He only liked sleeping.

My sister always got excited when she got up, so he got up too.

The two of them came to the small kitchen hand in hand, and Gu Nanyu was bringing the porridge in the casserole to the table.

"Are you up? Come and eat," Gu Nanyu said.

Xingwan was very happy. She had been thinking about this bowl of porridge for years, because she had promised to make porridge for her when she came back with her senior brother Nanyu, so she had never eaten a bite of the porridge in the underworld, so she was just waiting for her senior brother's bite.

She happily threw herself at the table and took a long drink.

Fang Xiaobei was stunned: "Hey, be careful because it's hot."

As a result, Xingwan held the porridge and said, "It's not hot, it's not hot at all."

Fang Xiaobei felt relieved. Although the porridge had just been boiled, senior brother must have cooled down.

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