The 'Yes Day'

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"Come on, you can't keep being all sad because you and Simon broke up, you need to find a way to move on and have some fun without him." Nicole, one of my best friends, cheerfully says as she smiles, nudging my shoulder with her own. I raise my brows, shaking my head before looking down to where Holly and Beth are perched on the floor, pouring more alcohol from the near empty bottle of wine. Holly notices me staring, then stops pouring as he nods. 

"Cole's right, you need to just get over him and find yourself a rebound guy- or girl?" 

I snort, listening as Nicole begins explaining that I don't need to hook up with anyone to feel good again. They both playfully bicker as Beth just smiles at me, she's quieter like me but always understands the most. 

"You could let us give you a 'yes day'? Maybe doing some things out of your comfort zone will boost your confidence again." She murmurs, holding her glass with two hands. I lean back, thinking it's a terrible idea, but the girls seem to wholeheartedly agree with her. I groan, grabbing a pillow and covering my face with it until it's ripped from me by Nicole. She's got that wide eyed frantic look that tells me that no matter how many times I decline the idea she's still going to force me into it. I let out a sigh, unable to hold back a laugh as Holly pushes a freshly topped up glass into my hand. 

"Fine! Let's do it tomorrow then?" I ask. The girls agree, then we get back to cheering me up when mine and Simon's favourite movie begins playing on the TV. The next day I'm forced into numerous things I wouldn't usually do for myself, such as getting my hair and makeup done professionally, having whatever I want to eat at brunch and a load of other things. I admit I'm a little cheered up and feel confident with my new haircut and look, but I'm also drained. It's been a long day, and I'm ready to just go home. It's late when me and the girls are walking down the street when Nicole points to a new bar recently opened. It's been on our list since it was first announced, and I'm guessing the girls are going to rope me into this. 

"Come on, today's the perfect opportunity to go!" Nicole exclaims, hooking her arm around mine and dragging me to it as Holly and Beth follow in tow. I begin to protest, insisting I'd rather just go home, but none of them agree to my plans. We all find ourselves in the massive que to get into the bar, thankfully I'm wearing a cute outfit and look decent enough to maybe party for a little bit- but that's all it'll be. We all stand there amidst the eager crowd yet over time the line still doesn't move. The girls are on their phones whilst I let my mind occupy me, I think about Simon and finding those text messages on his phone, as well as catching him calling another woman whilst he thought I wasn't home. I don't know who he cheated on me with, but I hate them. I think of what was our perfect relationship, and how it went downhill so fast. Tears blur my eyes as I stare at the ground, really not in the mood to be here anymore, until a knock from the window startles me. 

I jump, head lifting up and towards the bar as a tall blonde man with a cute smile knocks again to get someone's attention. I give the man a confused look, then glance behind me at my friends and everyone else, but nobody seems to be paying attention to him. I meet his eyes again, seeing that they're on me. I let my eyes widen as I point to myself, then the man nods excitedly. I feel my lips quirk up a little at his determination, but when nothing else happens I look away disappointedly. Once more the man knocks on the window, wanting my attention once more. I look up to see him shaking his fist, then doing the motions for 'rock, paper, scissors'. I laugh, shaking my head, but then his bottom lip juts out in a pout, so I find myself rolling my eyes and playing along. I'm not sure how many rounds of the game go before the line has moved enough for me to now be beside the window, where I can see the man up close. He's handsome in a young and adorable kind of way, he's got a soft jawline and the bluest eyes I've ever seen. 

"Number?" He mouths, pulling out his phone. I panic for a second, I didn't expect this to go anywhere. I bite my lip, pretending I didn't understand until Nicole bumps into me with her hip, grinning as she nods. I sigh, then begin to give him my number by using my fingers. The man grins, typing it in before pulling his phone to his ear. My pocket vibrates, so I pick my phone up, kind of eager to hear the man for the first time. 

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