Friends That Flirt

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AN: This is kind of a college AU where the characters all go to the same college together!



The sun shines high in the sky, it's the perfect summers day and almost every student is outside soaking up the rays whilst doing various things. Some prepare for sports matches, tossing and kicking balls about, some just sit and chat, whilst others like myself sit and study for the upcoming finals. It's so close to the end of the semester now, and I'm more than ready to spend my summer relaxing and forgetting about doing the obligations to know everything I'm told. I turn the page of my textbook, eyes scanning the words until a familiar laugh captures my attention. I look up to see Leon Kennedy, also known as the most sought after man of the campus, strolling across the grass with his best friends, Chris and Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers on either of his sides. I envy their closeness, they're all popular and well loved by almost everyone, but the thing I'm most jealous about is Leon's attention to them. 

I've also been fawning over the blonde man since day one. 

But one look at him, and honestly who could blame me?

 I sigh, feeling my lips curve up into a smile as they all find a spot under a tree to settle. I watch them for a little while longer until Leon senses numerous gazes on him, his smile soon fades from the unwanted attention, but instead of looking at the other girls, his blue eyes find mine across the grass. My breath hitches, and I look down at my book, forcing myself to not look suspicious as I avoid glancing up again. My body heats as I know he's watching me, but I ignore the feeling crashing over me, I refuse to be caught once more, so I continue to study until I know he's once again absorbed with his friends. My shoulders slump as laughter and chatter surround me, I could've easily spent the afternoon with my own friendship group, but I'd opted to have some alone time, to recharge my social battery and inhale some fresh air. 

Leon's POV: 

Chris sits beside me as I watch the girl who's been watching me. When she sees me looking her cheeks turn red, then she pretends to read her book whilst an amused smile draws my lips upwards. She's by far the most interesting girl I've ever seen, and I know she's crazy smart too. I've liked her for a while, and though everyone assumes I'm confident and flirtatious, deep down I'm not that carefree. I don't want to date for fun like everyone else, nor do I even consider one night stands, I want a long term relationship that'll be my forever. None of the girls here would even come near me if they knew I was in it for real, but Y/N feels different. She's down to Earth and focused, and from the conversations I've overheard between her and her friends, she feels the same way. 

"You're going to make the poor girl have a damn heart attack." Chris chuckles next to me, his elbow pokes into my side as I tear my eyes away from Y/N, a scowl replaces my smile as he wiggles his eyebrows playfully. "I don't see why you can't just tell her how you feel. You know she likes you too." 

I sigh, leaning my head back against the tree with a thump. "It's not that easy, I've got to find the right time, and I need to figure out how I'm going to do it without coming off stalkerish." I mumble, feeling too stressed about the whole situation. Flings would be easy, but they're not Y/N, so I don't want them. 

Chris shakes his head in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest as he stretches out his feet, poking Claire as she lounges on the grass. She whacks his foot, then scoots away from him. "Leon, you're overthinking it all again. Quit being a rookie in romance and just tell her how bad you want her. She won't wait forever, and trust me, everyone can see the way you look at her. No wonder Luis Serra won't even sit next to her in class." He says simply, not understanding how hard it is for me to admit my feelings. A flicker of jealousy pangs within me at the thought of other men having the same feelings as I do for Y/N, Chris even chuckles as I clench my jaw. 

"I can't mess this up." I mutter, plucking some grass as Y/N tucks her hair behind her ear. It's fucking adorable. 

"You won't," Chris shrugs, standing up as he gives me a smirk, "but maybe you just need a little push." Before I know what he's doing, Chris walks away from us, heading right towards Y/N. I panic, freezing as I stare at him and debate grabbing and tackling his ass before he reaches her. Instead Jill huffs a laugh, shaking her head as she resumes setting blades of grass on Claire's head. I can't do anything but hope that my best friend doesn't fuck up his plan. 

Y/N's POV: 

A shadow falls over my textbook, I look up to see Leon's best friend, Chris, standing over me. I swallow, eyes widening as I sneak a glance at the group behind him. Leon looks...terrified. I swallow, voice high pitched as I squeak out "Hey." 

Chris grins, squatting down to reach my level. "Hey there," He softly says, "what are you up to?" 

I blink at him, not understanding his motive as I glance at my notebook. "Uh, just studying." I mumble, frowning as he nods as if I've told him the secrets of the universe. I know he's not a dumb guy, but right now he's acting way odder than usual. "What brings you over here?" 

"I'm just taking a break, thought I'd see if you're alright since you're all alone, I can't leave a pretty girl all by herself without making sure she's okay, can I?" Chris openly flirts. I choke on my saliva, eyebrows raising to the sky as he barks out a laugh and throws his head back. Definetly acting weird. I can't help but laugh along with him, despite the situation I'm not getting any bad vibes from him, and I know he's not an asshole. From across the grass, Leon's eyes narrow as he watches us with the attention of a vulture, I notice how his shoulders tense up, and in the grass his fists clench. Somehow- or at least I hope- I know Leon's jealous. Call it a gut feeling. "You know, you're really amazing, I've heard your scores are incredible." 

I awkwardly brush it off, untucking my hair from behind my ear nervously. "Thanks Chris, but, uh, where's all this coming from?" I wonder, instantly regretting it as his smile drops a little. He glances behind his shoulder, to where my surprise, Leon begins storming towards us, face filled with something I can't place. Anger? Frustration? Possessiveness? My heart skips a beat when he reaches us, casting yet another shadow over me, but this time it's a welcome one. 

"Chris, I think Claire needs you, you should go find out what she wants." Leon says, leaving no room for argument as Chris smirks and stands, patting Leon's shoulder. 

"Thanks man, I better go find out." He chuckles playfully. My eyes flick between the two with confusion, then Leon replaces the spot where Chris just was. I hold my breath, he's even more handsome up close, and he smells really good too. Leon's lips curve into a friendly smile which immediately puts me at ease. 

"I'm sorry for storming over, I just...Chris is a good guy, but he's too straightforward." Leon softly says, "I've seen you around a lot, I can't help but to notice that you always see me too. Wait, that sounded weird, right?" He rubs the back of his hair nervously. I conquer my anxiety, refusing to let this fleeting chance pass. 

"Yeah, I guess we always seem to be near each other." I huff a laugh, plucking blades of grass before wiping my hands on myself, "I sometimes think about speaking to you, but by the time I think of something to say you've disappeared on me again." 

"I'm here now, so ask away. I've got questions for you too." Leon grins, leaning back on his palms as I blink at him. I let out a small laugh, then fire off a question. 

"What's your favourite movie?" 

"Just one? That's harsh." Leon laughs. Just like that, we fall into an easy conversation, finally getting to know each other after months of pining. Hours pass of us talking about everything and nothing, we learn so much about each other and find common ground when it comes to TV shows and hobbies, we talk about our dreams and goals for the future, and share funny stories of childhood. We barely stop, but by the time the sun sets we're both hurting from laughing too hard, and thirsty from speaking. "I don't suppose you'd let me buy you a drink? Or dinner if you're hungry?" 

I grin, nodding as Leon holds out a hand to help me up. Students have long gone, along with Leon's friends. "I'd love that, maybe we could try those tacos you told me about?" I offer. Leon's eyes twinkle from happiness as he nods and leads me towards the parking lot. It's the beginning of something much anticipated, and I can't wait to see where the future takes us. 

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