Shoo, You Overgrown Kitty

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AN: This imagine is kind based on the Death Island manga which you can read for free online. In this one Reader takes the place of Hunnigan.♡

Leon's POV: 

The aircraft takes me above Alcatraz Island, where we suspect Dr Antonio Taylor is being held by the organisation that kidnapped him. I sigh, getting ready to jump out as I check my watch and make sure my communications with Field Office Support work. 

"So Y/N, busy day?" I joke, talking to the woman back at the FOS office who also happens to be my girlfriend. The sound of her breathy laugh fills my ear as the aircraft begins to lower. 

"Not really, I'm just assisting some hotshot agent with saving a man who'd been very naughty." She playfully replies. I chuckle as I prepare to jump out, the pilot doesn't even look at me as he opens the doors for me. "Since the San Francisco police department and the SWAT team let him slip through their fingers the US army alerted me that they've got foreign intelligence after him too. Basically we need Taylor bringing in as soon as possible." 

I take a deep breath, getting into position to jump and land without breaking any bones. "ASAP you say miss Y/L/N?" I reply, still feeling lighter since she's 'with' me. She hums in agreement as I step to the edge, feeling the warm fresh air against my skin, already my adrenaline begins to peak. "I don't like being rushed, you know that." I tease, then with that I jump out. Immediately gravity pulls me down, but I've mastered controlling myself with ease as I straighten my legs, the blue ocean begins to meet me as the air whooshes around me, then as if speeding up I quickly adjust my body ready to cut through the water. The cold water greets me as it surrounds me, I hold my breath, swimming upwards I emerge soon enough, taking deep breaths as I swim to the closest land. I use my strength to pull myself up as I look around, noticing I'm in a more forested area, exactly where the tunnels we suspect lead to Taylor are. I straight away begin to head for them, grabbing my gun in case of trouble. 

"Y/N, I'm in." I say, cupping my ear to the comms device tucked into my ear. 

"Good luck, Leon. Come home to me safe." Y/N says to me, a slight tone of worry in her voice. I nod despite her not being able to see me, then make a noise of agreement, there's nowhere else I'd rather go home to then to my Y/N. I descend through the dark tunnels, at first they seem abandoned and unsuspicious, until I begin to see crates of weapons and technology I don't understand. I speed up my pace, senses on alert until the tunnels slowly become more and more well built, at some point all signs of age and history disappear, replaced with modern structure and sure signs of some kind of facility. I reach a set of electronic doors, huffing a laugh at the sameness all these 'bad guy' labs have. I reach into my pockets and grab the device Y/N gave to me this morning, with deft fingers I plug it into the keypad controlling the door. 

"Finished linking the hacking device." I tell Y/N, eyes scanning the door and noticing the toxic symbol. I wait, hearing a crackle through the comms before her voice fills my ears. I hear some typing as she replies. 

"Give me half a minute." 

I shuffle on my feet, waiting for my woman to do her work. I can hear her curse under her breath which makes my lips lift up. "Y/N, we've been doing this for so long now, has it ever occurred to you to join me in the field? You'd know I'd protect you. It'd be like a field trip." I joke, adding a teasing lilt to my voice. She snorts in amusement, I can picture her shaking her head, that stray hair that never complies is probably dangling near the side of her face. 

"Really, you can't have thirty seconds of silence?" She replies, "Anyway, my skills don't lie in field work, that's your job. I'm far more equipped to do the smart stuff in the safety of my office." 

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