In Bed With The Enemy PT1 | Smut

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AN: There's not much plot to this one, I just wanted to write an enemies to lovers to something smut!

I lightly trace my finger over the strange array of scars on Leon's chest, wondering where he got them from and what story each scar represents. Instead of asking, I just press a light kiss to his shoulder before nestling into his open arms, his eyelids are half lidded, no doubt all the alcohol we've both shared is beginning to catch up with him, along with our multiple hours of heated touches and orgasms. I'm still shook about how many Leon managed to pull from me, but I'd rather not dwell on the fact that this one night stand might be the only release I'll be getting for a while- especially in my line of work as a spy for whoever pays well enough.

I snuggle into Leon's bare chest, the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat sends me to sleep safely within his hold whilst the moonlight filters in through the hotel's curtains, giving me the impression that for now I can just merge with the night, allowing myself this small scrap of tenderness until the morning comes.

When dawn arrives my body screams at me to wake up, I'm not used to sleeping in such comfortable places, much less with such snuggly company. I stretch and yawn, dismissing the covers as they slip down my bare body, exposing me and my actions for the world to see. I try to sit up, but the second I pull away from the handsome stranger I met at the elite bar- Leon- he tugs me back, mumbling incoherently as he buries his face into the back of my neck, his arms squeeze me closer as his hips and hardness grinds into my ass. I stifle a moan, knowing that the time for fun and games has passed, and now I've got to get back to work. But still...the feeling of being wanted. Needed...I crave it, despite it being a weakness.

For whatever reason, I don't resist. I let Leon hold me for a few minutes longer as I bask in the warmth and simple domesticity of it all, until Leon begins to wake up too. He sighs, arms loosening as if remembering we're nothing more than strangers who've shared skin and kisses, and maybe a few false promises, then he sits up, rubbing a hand over his face before cursing under his breath and reaching to grab his clothes. My somewhat pleasant mood vanishes instantly, like a slap in the face reminding me that I won't be loved so easily.

I follow suit, grabbing my own clothes and belongings until something shiny catches my eye. I turn, expecting to see Leon slip on that fancy wristwatch of his, but instead I see him clip a shiny, gold badge onto his trousers- a badge with the D.S.O logo.

He's the agent I've been looking for, and he's been right under my nose this whole time.

I stare, lips parted until Leon smiles kindly and picks up my heels from the floor. In the blink of an eye, one of the heels breaks loose to reveal a hidden dagger I usually use in emergencies. "Uh, killer style, huh?" Leon drawls, chuckling as he arches a brow. I snatch it off of him, heart racing unprofessionally as I flip the blade and point it at him, my hands shove him against the nearby wall as he holds his arms up in a surrender, his expression similar to a shocked prey.

"You're not leaving this room." I lowly say, the blade nicking his neck as he swallows, but he doesn't look as alarmed as he did before. His shoulders drop as he tilts his head, giving me that lazy grin that seemed to work last night when I took his hand and begged him to make me come.

"Sounds romantic, but I've actually got things I need to do today. Such as locking up a potential criminal." He shrugs, tone playful as I snort and roll my eyes. Leon uses the distraction to maneuver my dagger away from him, he wrestles my arm, but I'm flexible and slip under, grabbing his wrist and pinning it behind his back as I once more slam him into the wall as he grunts. The sound sends a thrill through me, reminding me of the precious noises that escaped him last night. "Fuck, that shouldn't be so sexy." He mumbles as I stare at him, my dagger still in his hand.

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