Back Into Home's Arms

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Leon's POV: 

I rub my eyes as I try sticking the house keys into the lock, it takes me a few attempts until I realise I'm using my bike keys and not the ones I need. I'd usually laugh at myself, but right now I'm too damn tired to even muster a smile. I let out a heavy breath, grabbing the right keys this time I successfully manage to open the front door to my home, immediately the smells of recently burnt candles, fresh washing and my wife greets me. My wife, fuck I've missed her these past few weeks. As quietly as I can I lock the front door behind me, double checking it's secure until a massive fluffy white thing weaves itself between my legs. I look down at our feline, though older she's still persistent as ever when it comes to demanding attention. 

I toe off my boots, setting my duffel bag down as I crouch and scratch between her ears, met with a meow followed by some purring as she tips and rolls onto her side. "Where's your momma?" I murmur to her, eyes lifting to track the spaces I can see. I stand once more, wincing at the bruise aching on my shoulder and back, then I pad to the bedroom, careful as I stop at the door and finally smile. It's easy to do when I'm looking at the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and she's all mine. Silently I creep to her end of the bed, leaning down to press a soft kiss on her sleeping head before I grab some fresh clothes and head to the bathroom. I take a boiling hot shower, washing away the blood, sweat and grime then I dress in something comfy. After that I make my way into the kitchen, rummaging in the fridge for something to eat, I find some leftover pasta and have a few mouthfuls before my body protests. Right, sleep.

I yawn as I go back into the bedroom, seeing our cat now curled up on my side. I stifle a sigh, with precision and stealth I'm careful as I climb under the covers and try to manoeuvre around the stubborn cat. She just meows and rolls a little, clearly showing me who was here first. As soon as I settle into bed things begin to feel right again, I let myself relax, taking even breaths as I try to get back into the mindset of being a husband and not a weapon for the government. Here, at home, I can give kisses not bullet wounds. I turn onto my side, seeing Y/N's eyes on me. I blink, a little shocked that she's awake, but deep down I'm glad. I reach out for her, pulling her into my arms as she smiles and nestles into me, she's still sleepy, but determined to try and keep conscious for me. 

"Hey handsome, I'm glad you're back." She mumbles as she snakes an arm around me, kissing my neck as I sigh and rest my chin on top of her head. I nod, truly feeling comfortable now that I'm back in home's arms. 

"Me too, I missed you so much, but I'm here now." I reply, already seeing she's asleep again. I stroke her hair, feeling her strands between my fingers before inhaling. I close my eyes, falling asleep quickly now that I'm safe and sound. 


I wake first, Leon's sleeping like a baby as I admire his face, finger tracing his moles and scars like constellations. I spot a new cut on his cheek, frowning as I kiss it, then I attempt to wriggle from under his arms with the intention of going to pee. Leon startles awake, sitting up as his head darts around, but I place my hand on his shoulder as I sit up alongside him and smile. "Sorry! It's just me, it's okay." I reassure, watching as he nods and slumps his shoulders, "I need to pee, and I'm going to make some breakfast, you stay here though, let me look after you today." I add seeing Leon's eyelids begin to close. He's exhausted. 

I go to the bathroom and do my thing before heading into the kitchen to make Leon some breakfast, I opt for a bacon roll as well as a bowl of fruit on the side. I also make his coffee exactly how he likes it and grab a few painkillers before setting it on a tray and taking it to the bedroom. When I enter Leon's half awake, lying on his stomach with his arm dangling out of the bed, eyes watching my every move as I smile and nudge him to scoot over. He does, grinning as he shuffles up to sit against the headboard. I perch beside him, offering him the tray as he leans over and kisses my cheek. "Thank you so much sweetheart, you really didn't have to." 

I shrug, watching as he sips his coffee and takes the pain meds. "I know, but I want to look after you, especially since you only got back last night. Do you...want to talk about any of it?" 

Leon's lips purse as he shakes his head, but that's fine, he'll open up when he's ready and I'll be here for him when he is. Instead Leon rips the bacon roll in half and offers me the bowl of fruit. "Share some of this with me, please?" He asks. I nod, accepting his food as we eat together in a comfortable silence, the birds outside begin to chirp as Leon takes a deep breath and lets his head fall back, he's enjoying the peace. I watch as he closes his eyes, smiling at the morning sun now shining through the curtains, it's so beautiful seeing him bask in life like this. As if sensing my eyes on him Leon cracks open an eye and smirks, shaking his head before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. 

"I'm so glad to be back with you, coming home is always my favourite part of work." He mumbles, kissing me with a tenderness as I cup his soft jaw and kiss him back with all the love I feel for him. 

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