Trust Me Sweetheart, I've Got Plenty To Say

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Working alongside Leon was always a struggle to my sanity, but despite our differences and the way he tested my patience, we did work well together. I sometimes say he's my greatest enemy, whilst he'd say I'm his favourite partner. His charming and flirty ways challenged me like nobody else did, yet I've never refused to let us be paired together. Maybe I'm just that much of a workaholic, or maybe there's something I'm missing here.

I sigh as I sit up straighter, the buzz of the museum surveillance room was lulling me into a sense of peace and sleepiness, but now isn't the time to take a nap. We're searching for our targets who are expected to be meeting here soon, the two 'business' partners are teaming up as usual to take the helm of world destruction, and as usual Leon and I are in charge of making sure they're taken down before things get out of hand. I blink away the heaviness that weighs me down, fixing my hair and looking professional even when there's nobody else here to see me. And then there's Leon. I sneak a glance at him to see he's slouched in the chair, hands tucked behind his head and his feet propped up on the desk. He looks like the embodiment of unprofessional. I scoff, rolling my eyes as his blue orbs drag over to me, looking me up and down. Assessing me.

I ignore his gaze until I faintly hear him mumble something, the words unobvious but the tone implies that they weren't compliments. Irritation arises within me at his childish behaviour, doesn't he understand the importance of our mission here? I've always kept my cool- well usually it's more of a lukewarm feeling- with Leon, but today I've had enough. I swivel in my chair to face him, eyes narrowed as he lets out a long sigh, gearing himself up for a fight.

"I hear you muttering under your breath Kennedy." I snap, ignoring the computer feeds as I glare at the dark haired man. Slowly he unfolds himself, legs moving one at a time until his feet are planted on the floor, arms untucking until they rest on his thighs, he leans towards me, angling his head as his lips quirk up, he loves getting me rattled. Seeing this thin line between me staying cool and finally losing it. "If you have something to say about me, you can say it to my face." I add with another scoff. Leon's lips just turn up a little more as he lets the moment linger, only the hum of the computers filling our murderous silence.

"Trust me sweetheart," He murmurs smoothly, "I've got plenty to say." My eyes widen at his blatant rudeness, his confident tone that drips sarcasm and borderline flirting, yet it's still enough for me to clench my fists and breathe deeply. Murdering my colleague would be frowned upon, and when he's not pissing me off he's kind of useful. I once again choose to be the adult here, and turn away from him to focus on the monitors, because of his little comment I lost a minute of footage, nothing probably happened but that's not the point. I sit there, simmering in my fraying anger until finally my own feelings bubble over, I've let my mind think too much and now I can't hold back.

"You really shouldn't hold back on my account Kennedy," I sarcastically say as I cross my arms and turn to him once more, "go on, spit it out." I arch my brow in a challenge, noting how it only makes the man chuckle. It sends a wash of heat through me, but I don't know if it's a good or a bad burn. Leon's chuckle dies down until his lips linger at a smirk, his mischievous eyes observe my steeled spine and painted nails once more before he speaks.

"For someone with such a sharp tongue, you're surprisingly easy on the eyes sweetheart." He teases. My cheeks flame, that wasn't what I was expecting, and I end up falling into his trap.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Leon." I shrug, playing it off even though that fire inside of me rises. I try to regain my composure but Leon's quick witted and knows me too well.

"Who said I was trying to get anywhere, unless you'd like me to?" He presses further, voice low and husky. A small noise escapes me at the thoughts of going to many places with him, but just as I open my mouth to reply the monitors show our targets entering the museum. I stand up fast, chair rolling backwards as I point to the screens. All signs of our previous playing goes out of the window as our goals take focus. Capture, but kill if needed. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I check the gun at my hip, then Leon takes the lead, already rushing out of the room to head into the museums art room. I follow at his heels, both of us trying to maintain composure as we pass the public and nod at the security, who should begin to carefully usher the civilians out.

"We need to-" Leon begins, but the sound of someone groaning in pain followed by screams interrupts him. We round the corner to see the business deal gone horribly wrong, our main two targets clearly had a disagreement of some kind because one of them has slammed a knife into the other's gut. I can't help it, I gasp, earning attention from the targets. Leon gives me a pointed look before we rush into action, taking opposite sides to crouch behind the wall as the gunfire begins. "Day's just getting better!" Leon shouts over the noise, jaw clenched in frustration. Death is never easy for him, even when it's the enemies.

"Come on!" I yell, grabbing my gun and peeking out from around the corner. Our targets are cornered, and their only way out is through us. The sound of sirens echoes from outside, at least the guards followed our instructions, but the police won't be any help here, not when they're just barricades to be broken. The less defence here the better, that way the body count won't rise above two. I shoot three of the targets until they go down meanwhile Leon aims for the main ringleader. The main target ducks behind a bricked stand, dodging all the bullets we're firing. It'll take time, but Leon's already frustrated with the chaotic way things have played out, he's letting his emotions get in the way. He storms into the room, keeping low as my eyes widen in shock and terror, as if in slow motion I see a body we hadn't noticed jump from hiding, a gun trained on Leon's back. I don't think as I run towards Leon.

"Look out!" I shout, voice cracking with urgency and pain as I lunge in the air, arms wrapping around him as I push us to the ground just in time. The bullet grazes my arm, but it's barely a scratch. We thud on the floor, keeping low as the security rushes to our assistance, taking down the final two targets until the room silences, apart from the heavy breathing and plaster from the walls raining down. I finally come back into normal time, danger averted, and notice how mine and Leon's bodies are pressed together from me instinctively using myself as a shield. I can feel Leon's rapid heartbeat from where my hand in splayed across his chest, our eyes meet in raw vulnerability and understanding, and it terrifies me.

I lick my lips, noticing how Leon's face inches closer to mine. I pull back, replacing the look of...something, with the look of our usual banter filled pettiness. "Be more careful, I can't have anything happening to that pretty face of yours." I whisper, small smile playing on my lips. Leon's breath hitches until I sit up and look around at the destruction of the priceless room. I don't let myself think or regret moving away from him, about how a deep part of me desperately wanted his touch, or how I'd sooner take a bullet than let anymore pain come to this man I call my partner.

Leon clears his throat, looking a little bamboozled for a second until that mask of confidence and charm is back. "I owe you one." He quips, getting to his feet and holding a hand out for me. I take it, letting him pull me up until our fingers link for too long. I swallow harshly, snatching my hand back as the police come racing in to take control, our job is done here. Leon quickly updates the police as I take a breather, straightening out my clothes, I notice his eyes flick to mine more than a few times, as if checking to see if I'm okay. When he notices the red on my shirt he curses, ignoring the officer talking to him as he snaps his fingers for the medics whilst stalking towards me. "This because of me?" He asks, gently grabbing my injured arm. I don't reply, too shocked by his sudden change. "Y/N!" He growls, "Don't you ever put your life at risk for me ever again, you're worth more than I am." He says softer this time, hand reaching up to cup my cheek. My breathing speeds up as the world fades away, then slowly I close my eyes, giving in to my feelings. I expect a kiss, but Leon's never been one for giving me what I want. His lips touch my forehead before he pulls back with a smirk.

I glare up at him as the medics reach me and begin to cut my white shirt. "I expected more." I mumble to Leon. He chuckles, eagle eyed as he watches the medic bandage me up, I don't even feel the pain.

"Let me take you to dinner first, then we'll see." I roll my eyes at him as he unbuttons one of his shirt buttons, giving himself some air as he steps back towards the exit. "I'll be outside, don't take too long, I'm eager to go home." He says over his shoulder, and just like that we're back to normal.

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