Assistant Ambush| Request

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My new boss stares at me with a look so withering I actually question whether he's one of the good guys here at the DSO. Instead of backing down, I grab my coffee and sip it as casually as I can, my eyes never leaving his as his palms land on the table I'm sat at. It's supposed to be a threatening move, one that tells me who's in charge, but I simply arch a brow and set my coffee down before taking a deep breath.

"Save the scowls for the people we're after." I state. My first words to the infamous Leon S. Kennedy. His frown deepens, his lips purse together as if he's holding back some kind of verbal assault. I'm ready for it though, ever since the higher ups assigned me to be Leon's new assistant and agent in training I knew I wouldn't be accepted with open arms. The man's a solo act. He's only had a few partners with his missions, and even then they've never stuck around long. I assumed he's just capable enough on his own, but after his last fuck up of a mission I guess the higher ups think it's best for someone to keep an eye on their winning dog.

"There's no 'we." Leon replies, letting out a shaky breath as he straightens up and fixes his wrinkled clothes. My eyes widen a fraction despite my assumption that I was ready to be rejected, I plaster on a fake smile, standing up as he watches me with precision.

"Yes there is. Unless you want to take it up with your boss, but he's not exactly happy after you let the B.O.W.S run rampage across that charity event last month." I tut, knowing that my words hit when Leon clenches his jaw. I'm being mean, but I think the opportunity to be friends passed the second Leon stormed into the cafeteria and rounded on me. Or maybe it was when he went behind my back and tried to get me assigned to another agent- the poor man didn't know this entire ordeal wasn't for my sake, it's for his. "Now," I add, grabbing my coat from the back of the chair, "we're expected to be on the plane by now. Unless you've got something better to be doing instead of saving the world." It was an unnecessary comment, but it gets Leon moving.

The whole time we're on the plane Leon acts like a child having a tantrum. He sits away from me- on the other side of the jet- whilst Field Office Support gives us a rundown of the mission. I listen to the phone call, brows raising as Leon jokes with Hunnigan and asks a few questions. I scoff at some flirty remark before he ends the call. I stand from my seat, deciding to trap him in a corner since he hasn't got anywhere else to go. The second he sees me approaching he groans, running a hand over his face as if he's already done with me. "Really? Look, I appreciate the 'help' or whatever you all think you're doing, but I've got this. I've been doing this a while, and last month's slip up won't happen again. I don't want babysitting duty on top of this." Leon mumbles, staring out of the window.

"Maybe you don't want me around, but you need me. Stop acting as if I'm a burden, if I wasn't capable then the government would never have assigned me with you. Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I'm useless." I defend myself, voice cracking a little at the end. For a brief second Leon's face softens, but when I lift my chin in defiance he goes back to that cold and harsh agent who despises me for no reason. I huff, crossing my arms. We spend the remaining hour of our journey like that, both silent with shields up.

As soon as we land I go through the mission details in my head, since Leon still hasn't bothered to explain anything to me. Someone's been causing havoc in the city, letting bioweapons loose as a means to put fear in the hearts of the nation. I figure that the target wants people to know about the very real threat of monsters, so it's mine and Leon's job to take down the threats and assassinate the man behind the mayhem. Pretty simple. I trail behind Leon, trusting that he does know what he's doing. We get into a car and he begins driving to the police station where we can question the cops and take a look at the evidence, maybe then we can figure out where the next attack will be or where our target is.

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