Where Are We Going, Bingo?

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Leon takes my grandma's arm as he helps her out of the car. I smile as I take her purse for her and then close the passenger door behind her, such the gentleman Leon keeps his arm around hers, guiding her to the entrance of the community hall. Out of all the places I imagined my boyfriend being on a Friday night, bingo with my grandma and I was not even a guess. I smother a laugh as she begins to ramble on to Leon about her dating days and the times she'd have numerous men lining up for her at the weekly social club parties. Leon doesn't seem bothered, if anything he nods and asks questions, melting my heart at his kindness even though his nose keeps twitching from her strong rose perfume. 

"Do you have the tickets?" Leon asks me, arching a brow as I sneakily take a photo of the pair. I nod, grabbing them out of my pocket once we reach the door. I pass them to a friendly older woman, who ushers us in and greets my grandma with a familiarity. I know my grandma often visits this place, but this is the first time in a while where I've come with her for her nights of fun. I take my grandma's arm from Leon as he goes on ahead to find our table and grab the things we'll need for our games. I look around at the room filled with elderly, every so often I'll spot someone younger no doubt accompanying a friend or family member, but there's few. Nonetheless, I'll face the uneventful evening if it means spending time with my gran, she's always been close to me and the thought of maybe winning this thing does send a thrill through me. When we reach the table I help my grandma sit down, before Leon pulls out a chair for me and grins. I snort, sitting down regardless as my grandma takes off her coat and rubs her hands together. 

"Y/N, I've got a good feeling about tonight, I'm glad you brought your handsome good luck charm with you." Grandma winks at Leon. He chuckles, unfazed by my grandma's antics as I laugh and blush furiously. She reaches into her purse, grabbing a Wether's Original and offering us one, but Leon and I both decline as she undoes the wrapper and pops it into her mouth. I smile, taking Leon's hand as my grandma organises her space and bingo dabbers. 

"Thank you for being here with us, it means a lot." I murmur to Leon as he smiles and brings our hands to his lips, kissing the back of mine. His eyes shine with love as he nods. 

"Of course I'd be here with you, there's nobody else I'd rather be with. Besides, your grandma's right, I think we're going to win tonight." He replies. My grandma passes us the remaining bingo dabbers, pink lips curved as she watches us mischievously, already I know we're about to get peppered with questions. 

"Seems like you're both getting along well, I should hope so after four years of being together. No bumps in the road yet then?" She asks. My eyes widen as Leon laughs it off, shaking his head whilst setting our clasped hands on the table. 

"No, we're okay, apart from Y/N's cooking. She tried that recipe the other week that you mailed us but she refused to add the celery." Leon tattles on me. I purse my lips together, disbelieving that my grandma and boyfriend are about to gang up on me about my cooking skills. Grandma tuts, shaking her head at me. 

"That girl," She fondly says as if scolding me, "I could never get her to eat her celery, even when she was little she used pull a face. One time she even ran outside with it and planted it back in the ground, insisting it wasn't edible." They both laugh as I melt into my seat, praying that the game will begin soon. More questions and charm is shared before finally the host takes the 'stage', beginning to pluck out numbers from a bag. I smother a yawn as I focus on the number card and wait for any of mine to be called out. So much time passes, it feels like hours as I wait and wait, not even getting three marked off, meanwhile Leon and my grandma are having a great time, both whispering to each other excitedly as they mark off numbers every few minutes. Leon sees my boredom, and wraps an arm around my shoulders, taking my bingo card from me as I lean my head on his shoulder and watch the other players in a comfortable silence. 

The atmosphere is so cosy and warm I almost fall asleep, until out of the blue my grandma's voice echoes around the near silent room. "Bingo!" I jump out of my seat as Leon steadies me, grinning as my grandma waves her complete card in the air. The host, an older man, smiles as he comes to check. He muses at the card, nodding as he takes her name and assigns her a prize to collect at the end. Other elderly's stare at my smug grandma, who just wiggles in her seat looking proud of her win. I put my hand over hers, smiling as she offers me another sweet, this time I take it. 

We play for another half an hour before surprisingly Leon shouts out "Bingo!" too. My eyes widen as he grins and holds up his card. Everyone holds their breath as the host comes to our table once more, looking shocked as he nods and announces Leon as the second winner. Only a few minutes later is the third and final winner announced. "Great teamwork, we should come back next week for the rest of the prizes." Leon cheerfully says to my grandma as the people begin to filter out of the hall. We stay seated as the host brings over the prizes; a big box of food and a bouquet of flowers for my grandma, and a few packs of gardening seeds for Leon. I smother a laugh as Leon eyes up the seeds, that is until my grandma batters her eyelashes at my man. 

"Leon dear, I don't suppose you'd like to swap prizes?" She sweetly asks. Leon nods, taking the food and flowers as my grandma excitedly eyes up the seeds, already rambling about various plants and gardening things I don't understand. Leon passes me the flowers whilst giving me a kiss to the cheek before hefting up the massive box of food, I take my grandmother's hand as we head outside and towards the car. Once we reach the car I help my grandmother get in whilst Leon puts the box in the back. I shake my head at it once grandma is in. 

"What the hell are we going to do with all that food? We don't even need most of it." I giggle as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to his chest. 

"We'll just take out a few things and donate the rest to the food bank." He shrugs, melting my heart further with his compassion. I nod, hugging him back until we remember about grandma and needing to get her home. I get into the backseat as Leon takes the wheel, already putting on the music my grandma likes. He bobs his head in time with Cliff Richard, meanwhile my grandma clears her throat, tilting her head as she turns to Leon. 

"When are you going to propose to my granddaughter?" She casually asks. Leon once again laughs it off as I blush, but lean forwards to hear his reply. 

"Soon, don't worry." Leon replies softly, meeting my eyes in the rear view mirror. Grandma nods, patting his arm and calling him a 'good man' as he drives. I savour the sweet moment, glad I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. 

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