Flower Feelings

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Leon's POV: 

The first time I met Y/N  Y/L/N was during my second week at the RPD. Lieutenant Branaugh had me on paperwork duty since I'd yet to prove I was just as capable as the other officers- it didn't help that I was one of the youngest cops working at the RPD either- and so I was navigating the maze like hallways of the station with boxes of finished files and evidence stacked in front of me. In hindsight I could've made two trips but it was late and I was tired, it had been a boring and frustrating day with hearing my colleagues brag about bringing down criminals and solving cases. I rounded a corner and just like that I accidentally collided with her, instead of the files flying everywhere Y/N managed to steady them before they could all tip out of the boxes, from that alone I knew she wasn't just a regular cop, besides the fact I'd never seen her before. 

"Whoa, careful!" She exclaimed, an apology was already on the tip of my tongue until I saw a glimpse of her face through a gap in the boxes. I was awestruck. Her brow arched at me as she smiled, gently she reached out and took a few of the boxes from me before turning on her heel and walking down the corridor she'd just come from, but when I wasn't following she turned back and nodded her head in a beckoning. "Come on, these boxes aren't growing legs anytime soon." I. Was. A. Goner. 

"Right. I'm sorry about crashing into you, I'm Leon Kennedy." I managed to say as we walked side by side to the evidence store room. Y/N's smile didn't falter as she introduced herself as well as her job. 

"I'm Y/N, I'm part of the S.T.A.R.S team upstairs. I'm guessing you're new since I haven't seen you before? It's been a busy couple of weeks around here." She replied, opening the door for me and letting me walk past. I nodded, setting the boxes down next to hers as she tutted at the mess in the room. Already I could feel myself crushing on her, as if I was some teenager and not a 21 year old man. It was hard not to though, usually the other officers would just laugh at my downfalls or shake their heads instead of helping me, they were kind but not easy to work with, more often than not they'd just mumble 'rookie' under their breaths. Y/N was different though. 

"Yeah, I've heard that the S.T.A.R.S can't get a break." I offered as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, our eyes seemed to meet for longer than normal before she explained the current case they were working on. After a few minutes she checked her watch with a curse. 

"Shit, I need to get back. It's been good meeting you Leon, I'm sure you're doing fine with everything but if you ever need advice or a second pair of eyes I'm happy to help, just find me upstairs. Things might seem daunting right now, but remember it's not about how you start but about how you finish." With that she tapped my shoulder and left me alone with my racing heart. 

I didn't see Y/N for another week after that, not until late at night when I was finally working on my own case; there'd been a few linked robberies in the west of the city and I was tasked with finding the culprit. I had spent hours mulling over evidence and interviews, I was determined to solve the case as quick as I could and prove that I wasn't some clumsy and bright eyed rookie, but my eyes were growing tired and my thoughts blurred together. Alone in the office I stood up and ventured to the break room to find something that would keep me awake. That's when I saw Y/N standing near the vending machine, her lips twitching as if in thought. I slowed my steps, waiting for her to notice me as I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. 

"Can't decide?" I said, startling Y/N. She pressed a hand to her chest, laughing it off as she shook her head and pointed to the bright vending machine. 

"I think I'm too tired to even choose. Anything sweet doesn't narrow it down." She murmured with a small laugh as she stepped back so I could use it. I slipped in a few coins then bought two candy bars, then passed one to Y/N as her eyes widened in surprise. Our fingers brushed as she took it with a soft "thank you" then together we headed to the coffee machine. 

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