Birthday Blues

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Vibrant hues of orange and pink shine through the office window, decorating the usually serious and solemn room in an array of warmth. I look up from the case file I was reading, unable to hold back the gasp that escapes me at the ethereal sight. Beside me fellow government agent and boss Leon S. Kennedy looks to me then the window, his blue eyes widening a fraction at the sight of the sunset in the horizon. "That's one hell of a view," Leon softly murmurs, his voice almost nostalgic as his lips curve a little, "happy birthday to me." 

I stiffen, sunset now forgotten as I swivel on Leon and drop the case file. "What did you just say? It's your birthday?!" I exclaim, grabbing his shirt sleeve as he gives me a surprised look. Immediately his face falls and he tugs his arm away from me, his hand lifts as he rubs it over his face. I watch as his brows knit together in frustration, then he peeks at me through his fingers. 

"Don't tell anyone, okay? I don't want to make a big deal out of something meaningless, besides, it's almost over anyway." Leon mumbles, avoiding my eyes as he refocuses on his own case file. I blink, taken aback by his nonchalance and apparent dislike to his birthday. I mentally remind myself of important dates and events that happened on this day, wondering if that's why Leon's hesitant to celebrate, but nothing comes to mind. 

"Well," I clear my throat, "happy birthday, old man." 

"I'm twenty-eight." He points out, a faint smile lifting his lips. I can't help but to wonder why he's so avoidant about celebrating, he doesn't correct me or scold me for wishing him a happy birthday, so surely he can't hate it that much. There's got to be a reason for his hesitations, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. First though, I refuse to let the man who's taught me everything I know and taken care of me when I first joined the D.S.O be alone tonight, even if he isn't going to be happy it's his birthday, the least I can do is just be there for him. "Just ask, Y/N." Leon murmurs. I blink, not even realising I was staring whilst psychoanalysing him. 

I bite my lip, then ask. "Why don't you celebrate? Did something happen or are you just allergic to fun?" I tease, nudging him with my elbow. He grumbles, whacking my arm with the case file before he sets it down and leans back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head. I stare as his button up shifts, displaying more of that chest I enjoy getting a peek of. Nonetheless, my sympathetic thoughts and feelings keep me grounded as I focus on his reply. The room goes silent except for the faint hum of the air conditioner above us.

"I don't like getting older," He shrugs, "I don't mean it in a vain way, it's reminds me that my life is passing by and I'm not getting anywhere. Six years ago I first stepped into this office and six years later I'm still here, and it's not by choice." He sighs, shaking his head as the sunset dips lower, the oranges now vibrant reds and purples. "Besides, I don't really have a lot of people to celebrate it with." He mumbles the last part, his eyes taking on a sad look before they harden up again. Without thinking I reach forwards, resting my hand on his as his eyes meet mine. 

"Well it's time for something to change." I nod with affirmation. "I'm giving you a birthday, well at least the rest of it, because I'm here to celebrate it with you. You might still be in the same shitty office, but you've come so far Leon, you've saved so many people and done so much good in the world, you deserve at least one day to be proud of yourself." I say, noticing how Leon's brows raise just a little, his whole face softens at my words, and he hasn't pulled away yet. Time stands still as his blue orbs dip to my lips, it's a matter of seconds but the way my breath catches it feels like I've spent hours running. "We'll be done here soon, so I order you to go home and get changed, then come to my apartment at around eight." 

"You do realise I'm technically your boss? What if I order you to drop whatever you're planning?" Leon playfully says as I pull my hand back and lean away. I shrug, giving him a wide grin. 

"Then I'm going rogue." 

Leon leaves not long after our conversation, and I finish up the rest of the work before heading home. On the way I stop at the store, buying balloons, banners and a cheap cake which I'll decorate with my questionable skills. I also buy a few gifts, they're not expensive or big but it's the thought that counts. By the time I get changed into something casual and finish setting up, Leon's ringing my doorbell. Excitement and something else flutters in my stomach as I rush to answer it, my eyes widen when Leon stands there dressed in blue jeans and a simple tee, but the thing that has me surprised is the bouquet of flowers held out for me. "You do realise it's your birthday, right?" I arch a brow, taking the flowers as I let Leon in. 

Leon nods, "Yeah, but I saw these and thought you'd like them." The words roll off of his tongue so casually, he doesn't realise he's said them as his eyes scan my small yet cosy apartment, little does he know his words have me almost tearing up from the simple kindness. He chuckles at the balloons and banner I wrestled with, the letters are either too close or too far apart, but he understands them anyway. Next his eyes flick to the snacks and pizza on the table, right next to the decorated cake that reads 'Happy Birthday Leon!'. Something akin to genuine surprise and gratefulness crosses his face as he turns to me, his smile soft yet emotional. "I haven't had a birthday cake in years." 

"Well as long as I'm around you'll never go without again." I say. Leon and I share a moment until I remember the wrapped gifts. I quickly put on some background noise as Leon sits on the sofa, still in awe at the lengths I went to. I grab the gifts before shoving them in his face, taking the spot next to him as I chew on my nail. "I got you some stuff." I mumble nervously. 

"You really didn't have to Y/N, but thank you." Leon tears into the paper, opening the gifts to reveal some store branded cologne, some candy and a new mug. I also pass him a birthday card with a dumb joke on, his grin is infectious as he reads and chuckles at it. "It's been a while since anyone made an effort, this really does mean a lot to me." He murmurs as he sets it down. I nod, feeling so overwhelmed I reach out and wrap my arms around him. Leon stiffens at first, but not long after he hugs me back, his shoulders relax as his warmth seeps into mine, I'm not sure how long we stay like that but the scent of pizza has my stomach growling soon enough. Leon pulls back, hand reaching up to my hair carefully before he slips the hair tie from my hair, letting it fall down. My scalp thanks him almost instantly. I swallow, the gesture felt strangely intimate that not even Leon knows what to do as his hand hovers in the air, his lips part in shock from his own movement. 

"You're worth all the effort, I'm sorry nobody has realised that yet." I whisper as I tilt my head up, nuzzling my cheek against his hand like a cat. Leon doesn't flinch, instead he cups my cheek, his thumb brushes along my cheekbone with care as he leans in, slowly until our breaths mingle. His eyes find mine, giving me a chance to pull away, but when I don't he finally kisses me. It's slow but deep, full of faith and respect, I gasp, hand grabbing the back of his neck to kiss his deeper. He groans into my mouth, pulling me onto his lap until my stomach yet again demands to be fed. I smother a laugh as I blush, then sit back down as Leon dishes up two plates of pizza. I put on a movie I've heard him talk about before as we eat and begin talking about anything that comes to mind. 

As the hours pass, Leon and I eat, laugh and kiss. It's an ideal birthday and I sincerely hope he's enjoyed at least some of it. My night ends when I curl up against Leon's chest, his arms around me as we watch our third or fourth movie of the night. Before I know it, I'm asleep and snoring as Leon huffs a laugh and smooths my hair away from my face. 

"This has been a great birthday," Leon murmurs even though I can't hear him, "I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else. I promise we'll do something fun for my next one." For the first time in a long time, Leon allowed himself to enjoy this day that always brought him reminders of all the bad, tonight though, the man who'd saved so many lives had finally found someone who was willing to save his heart. 

𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓭𝔂| ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇꜱ ʙᴏᴏᴋ 4Where stories live. Discover now