Cries and Cooing Amidst the Chaos| Request

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AN: This kind of loosely mixes RE2R and RE3R together since all of the characters meet in this one. This request follows a pregnant Reader who's stuck in Raccoon City with her rookie cop boyfriend Leon. The whole group is trying to survive and escape the city until Y/N's baby decides that it's the perfect time to make an entrance into the world. She's terrified to give birth since the hospital is overrun with zombies and there's no medical care, but somehow Y/N and the group pull together and safely deliver the baby just as help arrives!

The chaos within Raccoon City is unlike anything I'd ever pictured, the burning buildings and civilians turned undead overrun the once peaceful streets. The city has always had a beating heart of it's own since Leon and I moved here just over a year ago, but never in a million years did I think that something so terrible could happen in such a short time. It's crazy to think that just a couple months ago Leon and I were talking about names for our baby and dreaming of nursery colours and toys, now I'm just under nine months pregnant, navigating a city tainted with death, hoping that we'll live long enough to get to safety and protect our child.

Leon's hand holds mine tightly as we beeline around crashed cars and shattered glass, I cling to him as much as he clings to me, our knuckles white as he leads me down the streets and alleyways towards our hopeful place of refuge- Raccoon City Police Department. The streets seem deserted for now as we approach the looming station, the white glow of the letters like a beacon. I let out a relieved whimper that we're close since my feet ache and I'm getting too tired. It's bad enough walking to the bathroom and back at our apartment, yet alone travelling through a city of zombies with my swollen stomach.  

"We're almost there Y/N," Leon softly says, keeping calm enough for the both of us, "just stay close to me, okay?" He gives me a small smile, turning to me for a brief second as his eyes search my face. I see the concern etched all over his features but he's trying to hide it. I nod, taking a shaky inhale as he quickly presses a small kiss to my head. With that we begin weaving around the cars, spotting a missing bloodied limb or body every now and then. I look away, my stomach heaving as I force myself to keep moving and follow my boyfriend. With each step and close encounter to the nearby undead I clutch my stomach, as if guarding my baby from the horrors despite the fact they can't see them- and I hope they never will. Just as we reach the gates of the RPD the sounds of the undead emerge from within the station. Leon's face falls as he grips the iron bars and shakes the gate, but it's no use. It's locked and we both know that there's not going to be any help within. Leon keeps trying, desperation overtaking him now until I reach out and gently grab his arm, the noise is attracting the attention of the zombies. 

"Leon I'm so sorry," I murmur, knowing his friends and people he knew are more likely inside and mauling each other, "but we can't stay here, it's not safe. We need to find- ah!" I begin, but a sharp pain shoots through my stomach. I double over, panic consuming me as Leon swivels to me and grabs my shoulder, when zombies begin to approach he curses under his breath. I'm in too much pain to move, I stare at the snarling zombies as they stumble closer, unable to do anything as agony washes through me. 

"Shit, Y/N what's wrong? Talk to me sweetheart." Leon's voice rises with fear. I grit my teeth, standing straighter as I push him out of the way and begin to stumble after him. 

"I- fuck! I think the baby's coming." I pant, breath coming fast as another shooting pain has me falling to my knees. Leon's reflexes are quick to catch me, he scoops me up, holding me in his arms as he jogs away from the zombies and we begin darting down the streets. Out of the shadows appears a young woman in a red leather jacket, she's holding hands with a little blonde girl. My eyelids suddenly begin to feel heavy from exhaustion and pain, without any kind of painkillers plus the terrifying knowledge that we've got nowhere to go, by body's barely hanging on. I don't hear the conversation between Leon and the younger woman, but I do hear the word 'hospital'. My eyes shoot open as I grip the neckline of Leon's tee. "We can't." I whisper weakly, arms now going limp as Leon carries me down some alleyways, the two other girls following us. 

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