Chapter 57: New Year New Start

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January 25th, 1994

10:50 am

Alana POV

New Year, New Start, right? WRONG. ALL THE WAY FUCKING WRONG. See I said it was gon be a new happy year. No crying, no stressing, none of that shit.

But how could that possibly happen if I have to be in the same room with the Chandlers?

I sat directly across from Evan Chandler, which is a really fucking stupid idea considering that I am liable to jump across this table any minute & kill his ass for all that he's done to my family. They really want one of us to go to jail.

And I will if Evan Chandler looks over & smirks one more mutherfucking time.

I looked around the room at who all was there. It was that asshole Tom Sneddon, The Chandlers (of course), their lawyer Larry Feldman, Michael's lawyer Johnnie Cochran, and a police officer. I looked at Jordan & he hadn't looked at once. Yeah. His little ass know he wrong. I looked at June & she looked stressed. The fuck she stressing for? Her husband ain't been fucking lied on.

I looked back at Evan, which was the wrong fucking thing to do, and instantly got more pissed because he was smirking at me again. I rolled my eyes counting back from ten. He leaned forward.

"Mrs. Jackson I-"

"You better shut the hell up talking to me cause how i'm feeling right now I could kill your ass," I snapped not giving a damn what I said. Everybody gasped in horror (except Michael, looked at me like I was crazy) & I rolled my eyes. "What? You thought I was going to be nice to the prick?"

"Mrs. Jackson please calm down before we have to put you out." I huffed & sat back. Tell that bitch to stop talking to me. The lawyers went back to discussing some shit about a settlement. I honestly thought that he shouldn't give them shit because they don't deserve it nor did he do anything but hell, if it got them off his dick, whatever then.

Money ain't shit to us anyways.

A woman walked in offering us water & I gladly accepted. She left, brought back a water bottle for me, then left again. I opened the bottle taking a sip. That some how made Evan think it was okay to talk to me again.

He leaned forward whispering. "What I was trying to say, Mrs. Jackson, is that i'm sorry for your loss." I looked at him crazy. How did he even know I was pregnant? He smirked & continued to talk. "But it's a good thing you didn't have that baby. Michael probably would've molested it too. Probably molested that pretty daught-" Before he finished his sentence, I jumped on the table & lunged at him, knocking him off the chair. I had lost all control of what I did. I was choking the shit out of him while screaming like a mad woman. I heard noises in the background but all I was focused on was making sure the son of a bitch died. Suddenly, I felt somebody trying to pull me off him but I wasn't going. As they pulled me, I was pulling him too by his neck.

"ALANA LET GO!!" I heard Michael yell from behind me. I guess he was the one trying to pull me off. Either way, I didn't give a fuck what he was saying & continued to choke the life out of Evan. I saw two sets of hands unwrap my fingers from around his neck & when they finally made me let go, I came back. But I was still crazy pissed & the mutherfucker wasn't dead yet so I started fighting, trying to get back to the bitch.

"LET ME THE FUCK GO!! HE WAS TALKING ABOUT MY FAMILY!!! YOU DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY!!" I saw the officer & Mr. Feldman help Evan out the room as Jordan, June & Mr. Cochran followed behind closing the door. Michael put me down & I tried to run after them but Michael grabbed me & pinned me against the wall.




"LET ME OUT!!" I yelled, still squirming. Man his skinny ass was strong. He grabbed my face making me look at him.

"Alana. Calm. The fuck. Down." I stopped squirming. He knew them big brown eyes could calm me down. "Will you try to go after him if I let you go?"


"Then i'm not gon let you go." I growled. "Alana you could go to jail for that. Yeah, he said something but if he didn't threaten you, you should've just ignored him." I smacked my lips & looked away. "Are you listening?"

"I hear you."

"But are you listening? Alana our plate is full enough. An assault charge is not we need right now. So when they come back in, you're going to apologize then you gon go wait in another room for me."

"Why?" I whined. He rolled his eyes.

"Because apparently you can't be in the same room with him for too long." I sighed.

"Fine. Now bring the little bitch in here." He let me go, then thought about it & grabbed me walking over to the door. He opened it & stuck his head out. The door opened & he stepped back, blocking me.

"Is she calm?" Somebody asked. Michael nodded. I saw the officer walk in. He pointed at me.

"You're lucky he didn't want to press charges Mrs. Jackson." He knew if he pressed charges I would've beat his ass again so in actuality, he lucky he didn't want to press charges. I saw Jordan then June come in, followed by Evan. He looked scared.

Exactly what the fucker get. I don't feel bad one bit. He lucky I didn't kill his cracker ass. Michael elbowed me & I sighed.

"I'm sorry I damn near choked the life out of you," I mumbled. He nodded & sat down. He ain't say nothing cause he ain't want this problem again. Michael grabbed me & led me out the room. We walked past the two lawyers & down the hall to the front desk. He asked them to place me into another room & the lady nodded telling him she would take care of me & that he didn't have to worry. He nodded then headed back to the room with out saying another word to me.

12:38 pm

I could've went home, for how long this shit taking. I really could've. But i'm kind of glad I didn't. I've used this time to myself to catch up with my thoughts & notice shit I haven't noticed before. Like how Michael's been acting. He's shutting me out & I don't know why. It's been this way since the day after Christmas. I know if I ask him, he won't do nothing but shut me out more.

I sighed as I heard the door open. I looked up & saw that it was Michael.

"It's been settled. Come on." I stood up & followed him out of the room. We went out front & hurried into the limo before any one could notice us. Our driver closed the door and in 30 seconds we were off. It was quiet. Just like it was the ride here. I sighed. Not about to suffer through silence again.

"Michael." he was looking out the window. He didn't look at me. "Michael." He looked at me. "What's wrong?"

He sighed. "We need to talk." I swallowed a lump in my throat. My mouth went completely dry. I knew this wasn't going to be good.


"But not now. When we get home." I wanted to protest but I just nodded & he turned back to the window. I sighed & closed my eyes. It won't be that bad, right?


Two hours later, I was on edge when we arrived at Neverland. We walked into the house & I went to our room as he followed. He closed the door as I sat on the bed, waiting for him to get whatever he had on his chest off. He sighed & turned to me.

"Alana I love you and that will never change. I want you to know that before I say you this, okay?" I nodded walking on pins & needles. Man if he don't stop beating around the bush-

"I think that you & I..." He sighed. "We should seperate, Alana."

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