Chapter 71: Talk To Me

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That Same Day
8:23 PM
Michael POV

Together Again: Michael & Alana Jackson Reconciled & Expecting Another Child

In Hot Water: The Jacksons Back Together & Already Arguing

Low Blow Jacko: MJ Blames A Miscarriage On Alana's Carelessness

I groaned flipping through the channels, seeing all the major news & gossip shows reporting about me & Alana. God im so stupid. Not only did I blame her for miscarrying our child, I did it in public, where everybody could know our business.

That was a personal matter & nobody needed to know that we lost a child. Most importantly, she didn't need to be publicly embarrassed & wrongfully blamed for it.

I sighed. So much for trying to keep her from stressing.

I heard the front door open & in came Alana with Angel.

"Daddy!!!" Angel yelled running over to me. I smiled & hugged her tightly.

"Hey baby girl. How was your day?"

"It was good. Mommy took me to work with her even though I thought I was staying with grandma all day."

"Ohhhh so that's where mommy went after her doctors appointment," I said looking over at Alana. She rolled her eyes & folded her arms. "Go get ready for dinner while I talk to mommy okay?"

"We already ate," Alana said. I furrowed my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes once again. Her eyes gon get stuck one day.

"Well I still need to talk to your mommy so go change into your pajamas." Angel nodded & I kissed her forehead before she skipped away. Alana tried to follow her. "Alana im sorry."

"Fuck you," She snapped turning to me. "You fucking blamed me for our babies death by saying I was careless. So I was careless for fucking caring about your well being while also trying to carry a child, which was a high risk pregnancy to begin with? How the fuck do you sound?"

"I know-"

"No you don't know!!! I sat there blaming myself, wondering why I couldn't carry my child. Wondering why God took my baby. And I still wonder why, 3 fucking years later. Michael I wanted that baby so much & for you to say that hurts. You're so fucking inconsiderate for saying something like that."

"Im s-"

"You want to know why I've been acting the way I have lately? Because im fucking terrified Michael. Im terrified I might lose another child." Then she started to sob. I walked over to her, engulfing her into a hug. She sobbed into my chest & I rocked her in my arms. A few tears threatened to fall but I held them back. I have to stay strong for my baby.

"Shhh baby calm down." I continued to rock her. She started to calm down & look up at me. I grabbed her face softly. "Why didn't you tell me you felt that way?"

She sniffled. "I was scared."

"Of what?" She shrugged. I sighed & hugged her again. "Lanie, baby, you know you can talk to me about anything. So talk to me. Tell me your doubts, your feelings, what you want from me. You understand me?" She let out a breath & nodded. "If this is going to be a successful pregnancy, you need to let me know about any & everything that's happening with you or is on your mind." She nodded again. I pecked her lips. "Im sorry baby. I love you."

"I love you too," She mumbled. I let go of her face & pulled her back into a hug. Now that she had that off of her chest, it should've been smooth sailing.

I was so wrong.

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