Chapter 26: Welcome Home Alana Jackson

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Michael POV

I woke up as the limo stopped. We were at the airport. The limo driver opened the door & i slowly slid out the car. Then i grabbed Alana & carried her onto the jet. I laid her on the couch putting a coat on her. I kissed her forehead & started to walk away.

"Michael?" I turned back to her. She was sitting up rubbing her eyes. "Lay with me?" I nodded. She got up & i laid down on the couch. She laid on top of me. "I love you Michael."

I smiled a little. "I love you too." I heard her soft snores & smiled more eventually drifting asleep.
March 4th, 1988
5:oo AM

"Michael..." Somebody shook me. I turned over.

"5 more minutes Mother." I heard her giggle & sit on me. I slowly opened my eyes. It was Alana.

"Come on baby. We're back home." She got up & walked out. I followed. We got in the limo & we drove off. "So what is the surprise?"

"If i tell you it wouldn't be a surprise." She whined cuddling against me.


"Alana." She pouted. I pecked her lips. "You have to wait. We are going to get a couple more hours asleep then eat breakfast."

"Fine." I smiled & kissed her forehead. She intertwined our fingers. "I love you Michael."

"Love you too."

Alana POV

Soon as we got back to the Encino house, we went back to sleep. We woke back up around 12. While Michael took a shower, i went downstairs in the kitchen. Mother & some of the chefs were in there.

I hugged her. "Morning Mother." I kissed her cheek & sat at the counter.

"Morning baby. I never got a chance to call you & tell you congratulations so congratulations."

"Thank you. But Mother do you know what my surprise is?"

"MOTHER DON'T!!!" Michael yelled running in. I smacked my lips.

"I wasn't going to Michael," Mother said chuckling. Michael sat down next to me. Mother passed us our omelettes & i started eating it fast.

"Slow down Alana. You still have to shower." I smacked my lips & slow down. He laughed & kissed my cheek. I finally finished.

"Alright im done. Im going to get ready."

Michael POV

Mother smirked & sat down next to me. "You nervous?"

"A little. What if she doesn't like it?"

She patted my back. "She'll love it. I can guarantee it."

Alana POV

"Are we almost there?" I whined tracing his chest.

"Yes so stop whining." I pouted. "Close your eyes."


"Alana stop being stubborn." I rolled my eyes then closed them. I felt the limo come to a stop.

"Can i look now?"

"No." I heard him get out & he grabbed my hand. I slid out the car. "Alright open them." I opened them. I was standing in front of a gate that said 'Neverland'.

"What is this?" He smiled slipping his arm around my waist. "Michael Jackson."

He smiled. "Just come on." The gates slowly opened & we walked in. I know he's up to something because i knew he loved the book 'Peter & Wendy' & he wouldn't take me to a place called Neverland accidentally.

I looked around & my jaw dropped at the sight. It was beautiful & big.

"See right there?" Michael asked pointing towards a damn ferris wheel. "Thats the amusement park."

"Amusement park?" He nodded. "God..." He chuckled & led me over towards like a little zoo. It had tigers, snakes, giraffes & more animals. Plus Bubbles. "Why is Bubbles in here?" I took him out the cage & put him down holding his hand.

"Because this is his home." I raised my eyebrow. "You don't recognize my other animals?" I looked back at the animals. Those were Michael animals. I looked back at him & he had a wide smile.

"This is my house now. Our house." My eyes widened & i screamed. He chuckled as i jumped on him.

"THIS IS OURS?!?" He nodded.

"All ours." I screeched a little & kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled back & screeched a little more.

"COME ON BUBBLES LETS GO PLAY!!!" I grabbed his hand & ran down the little hill with him. Me & Michael's house. I was so happy.

Michael POV

I smiled as Alana ran around with Bubbles. And i thought i was a little kid. I chuckled to myself & ran down the hill with Alana. Her & Bubbles jumped on me causing all of us to fall. Me & her both laughed.

"I love you so much Michael." I pecked her lips.

"I love you too. Now. Lets go ride on the train."

"We have a train?"

"Two. But ones miniature & ones... yeah." She jumped up & grabbed Bubbles.


"Wrong way Alana." She ran the other way. I chuckled smiling to myself. I have made the best decisions in the last 3 days.

Alana POV

We watched the sunset go down as we sat at a stand still on the top of the Ferris Wheel. I cuddled up against him.

"This has just been perfect Michael."

"A perfect woman like you deserves it." I blushed & looked up at him.

"Im not perfect. You are." He smiled shyly. I sat up putting my arms around his neck kissing him. He kissed back. His lips were so soft. I pulled back & laid back on him. He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. I smiled & rubbed his hand.

"Now all i have to do is make sure this wedding is perfect."

"Oh no," I looked up at him. "I'll take care of the wedding. You've did enough."

"No i haven't."

"Yes you have Michael. Now let me take care of the wedding okay?" He nodded. I pecked his lips sitting back against him. "All i need is your designer so he can design your suit."

"You s-"

"Yes i am. You have enough to worry about. Just put your perfectionist skills with something else while i do this." He chuckled.

"Alright baby." He kissed his forehead. "I love you." I smiled closing my eyes.

"I love you too." It got quiet except for our breathing. This was it. Everything i had ever wanted. All because of Michael. He made my life complete. And soon, i was going to be Mrs. Michael Jackson. Forever.

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