Chapter 84: Neveah

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April 12th, 2002
2:03 PM
Alana POV

Mariah disappeared without a trace. We knew it wasn't a kidnapping. She just didn't want to be found. So we left it alone.

Michael was right: we might need a new house. Neverland only has 6 bedrooms. One bedroom is gone considering Michael & I need somewhere to sleep. Then Michael made one of the rooms his office/study (but he's going to move it out to one of the guest houses like I did when i moved back in after our separation). So that's 5 bedrooms we could possibly have but let's not count the study. So 4 bedrooms right now. Angel has her own room because she's the oldest girl. Now that's 3 bedrooms. Ashanti & Paris share a room. 2 bedrooms. Jelani, Prince & Major share a room. One bedroom which Blanket currently occupies. But we have two more on the way, and Prince & Jelani need to not share a room because they are too much together. 

So, Michael & his brothers (along with Taty's husband, yes husband, Dwayne) are moving his study to one of the guest houses so we can change the living arrangements. Angel will still have her own room, the girls will still share, we putting Jelani bad ass in his own room, Prince & Major will be together, and Blanket & Nadir (the last baby boy) will share. Our baby girl, Neveah, will sleep in our room. Hell it's big enough.

But, if we don't like it, we'll be adding another part to our house.

"Oooh look at my man carry that desk."Taty said biting her lip. I rolled my eyes. Taty & Dwayne had been married since December. I never thought she would actually get married but she proved me wrong. I wondered if she would prove me wrong by having kids too.

"So when am I going to be an aunt?" I asked smirking. Taty side eyed me.

"Whenever one of Michael's brothers or sisters have another child." I rolled my eyes. "Your kids are enough. Besides, you've been struggling so I don't even want to try now. Too damn late for me."

Taty was right I had been struggling for the last couple of months. Blanket was putting more stress on me, the boys were bad as hell, Michael was stressing about Sony which made me stress more. It was just all too much. I had been hospitalized & once again I was on bed rest.

"I mean it might be better for you. You don't have 7 kids running around so."

"Yeah I rather not take that risk. However, we are thinking about adopting." I squealed making Taty roll her eyes.

"You are so irritating."

"And you sound like a pig," Michael said as him & Dwayne walked back in. 

"B- Ooh i almost called you something," I said balling my fist up. He chuckled & came over to the couch quickly kissing my check.

"Love you!!" He yelled running off. I swear he makes my blood pressure high. Dwayne sat down next to Taty.

"Im tired," He said breathing out.

"You stank," She pushed him away from her. I giggled as Jelani & Prince ran into the living room.

"Yall chill with that running in here."

"Sorry mommy," They said before running out side. I rolled my eyes.

"I would've been whooped they bad ass," Taty said, causing Dwayne to chuckle.

"Michael doesn't want me to. He says they aren't bad, just very active." She gave me a look & I laughed.

"Girl they bad as hell."

"Yeah well you know with Michael's childhood, he doesn't like me whooping them really." She nodded understanding.

"I'd just whoop them while he was gone then," I busted up laughing as Michael & Marlon carried Michael's desk towards the door.

"Why is this shit so heavy Mike?" He asked as he walked backwards. Michael shrugged. Jelani & Prince ran back in with Prince running past Marlon. Jelani ran straight into Marlon, who had just tripped on the table he was passing.  Marlon lost his grip on the desk as he fell, which almost fell on top of Jelani since he fell after bumping Marlon. Me, Taty & Dwayne jumped up as Michael let go of the desk.

"JELANI!!" I screamed panicking. But luckily enough,Michael moved him out of the way before the desk could land on him. I felt like I was about to pass the fuck out. I was relieved that he was okay, but my relief quickly went away as a pain shot through my stomach, cause me to scream out in pain. Michael quickly put down Jelani & ran over to me. 

"Baby are you okay?" He asked but his voice felt far away. "WE NEED TO GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!!"

5:03 PM

It was like everything moved in slow motion. I was in the delivery room getting an emergency c section for the babies. The stress had caught up to my ass, and the babies too. All I saw was a bunch of doctors running around & Michael was next to me reassuring everything would be okay. 

I couldn't really feel anything from my waist down, just a little pressure & pulling. It felt like I was laying there for hours, till I heard the doctor yell out 'It's the boy!!' & my eyes lit up. Michael looked at me grinning like a Cheshire cat.  But that happiness was short lived when they said 'He's not breathing!!!'

"WHAT?!?!" I yelled. I think that was the first thing I said since Jelani almost died. Michael looked at me with a panicked look. "MICHAEL GO GET MY BABY!!" Michael ran off quickly as I tried to calm down. Lord please protect my baby.

9:15 PM

Nadir King Jackson was 4 pounds 10 ounces. Born April 12th, 2002 at 5:05 pm. Pronounced dead at 5:17 pm. I had lost another baby. I had never wanted to feel this pain again but here I was. Actually, this time was worse. I was 8 months along. He actually made it out my uterus. He was so close.

However, I couldn't be that upset. Neveah Siedah Jackson was 4 pounds 3 ounces, born at 5:10 pm & she made it. She's in ICU, but she made it. 

I heard my hospital door open & watched as Jelani made his way over to my bed.

"Mommy am I the reason Nadir died?" He asked sadly. It broke my heart, he thought he was the reason his little brother died.

"Awww baby come here," I said moving over slowly & patting the seat next to me. He climbed on the bed sitting next to me. I put my arms around him. "Of course not baby."

"Then why did he die?" I sighed.

"Mommy was having complications while carrying him."

"What that mean?" He asked looking up at me confused. I chuckled.

"You'll learn about it when you get older." He nodded.

"Mommy im sorry for being bad." I kissed his forehead.

"It's okay. Mommy's not mad anymore. All I want for you to do now is to act right now, for me & for Nadir."

"Okay. I love you mommy." I smiled.

"I love you too baby." I may have lost two children, but I am so grateful for the ones I have. And with them, and Michael, I think i'll be okay.

Heaven Jackson


Nadir King Jackson



Last chapter of the year. Im so ready for 2017. A lot coming for this story. Be ready. Have a safe & happy new year.

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