Chapter 43: Make It Last Forever

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January 22nd, 1992

Michael POV

Do you remember girl?

On the phone

You & Me

Till Dawn

Till 3

What about us girl?

We started doing the dance routine.

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

Do you?

In the park

On the beach

You and me

In Spain

What about?

What about?


Thot thot thot!


Double thot! (LMFAO i play too much)

The short film was almost done. We just had to finish this dance part & it was a wrap. As i continued to dance, i saw Alana walk in with Angel. A smile spread across my face as i kept dancing. Alana said something to Angel before pointing at me. Angel clapped & tried to run over to me but Alana grabbed her before she could. Angel pouted as Alana picked her up & whispered something in her ear. Angel nodded as she kept pouting. Alana kissed her cheek & put her down.

We finished up the last of the routine & i spun as John yelled cut. Everybody cheered.

"ITS A WRAP!!!" We all clapped & i walked over to my family.

"Hey baby," Alana said wrapping her arms around my neck & pecking my lips.

"Daddy!!!" Angel pulled on my pants leg. I picked her up kissing her cheek.

"How are my two favorite girls?"

"Good."I smiled.

"Thats good. Come on, walk with me to the dressing room." We started walking. "So what brings you two up here?"

"I mwissed you," Angel said pouting. I pouted with her.

"Daddy missed you too."

"Did daddy miss me?" Alana asked smirking. I smirked back.

"Yes daddy did."

She giggled. "I missed you too daddy." I chuckled & opened the dressing room door.

"He my daddy," Angel said folding her arms. I chuckled sitting her on the couch. Alana squatted down in front of Angel.

"He my daddy too," she said rolling her neck.

(This what that reminds me of LMFAO moving on)

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(This what that reminds me of LMFAO moving on)

"Oh god," i said putting my hand over my face. This was not a conversation i want my wife having with my 2 year old daughter. I heard Alana giggle & then i felt her wrap her arms around me.

"Whats wrong daddy?"

"Stop." She laughed again before letting me go. "You want to get some lunch?"


"Okay. I'll be ready after i change."


Alana POV

"So why aren't you at the studio today?" Michael asked.

"Because i wanted to spend time with my Angel," i hugged Angel & she giggled.

"What about me?"

"Nope. You're smothering me Michael," i said jokingly.

"Oh whatever." I giggled.

"Im serious."

"Girl you know you like it when i smother you. You gon miss it when i leave to go on tour."

"Maybe, maybe not." We kept joking around like that for a little while longer til his phone rang. He looked at it.

"I have to take this."

"It better not be another woman," i said jokingly.

He shot me a look. "I am not Joseph." I raised my hands in surrender. He rolled his eyes & walked away. I laughed & gave Angel, who was whining because she wanted her daddy, a piece of fruit.

Moments later, Michael came back putting money on the table. He sighed.

"I have to go."

"Why?" I whined. Its always something.

"Because i have a meeting about the 'Dangerous' tour."

"I thought you didn't tour till next January."

"Thats what they said."

"So why do you have to have the meeting a year before? Why not 6 months?" He smiled & leaned down pecking my lips. Then he kissed Angel's forehead proceeding to walk to the door. "Thats not an explanation Michael Joseph."

He blew a kiss before chuckling & walking out. I rolled my eyes before i continued to eat. A mess.


Around 10, Michael came in the room looking drained. Angel laid on top of me sleeping peacefully. He smiled tiredly at me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"That must've been a looong meeting."

"The meeting was an hour," he said taking off his shirt. "Its was the rehearsal that was long."

"Rehearsal? For what?" He stopped stripping and gave me that 'you-know-what-for' look. I groaned. "Tour? When?"

"June 27th." I whined. "Stop being a big baby before you wake Angel."

"Well take Angel in her room so i won't wake her." He scoffed putting on his pajamas, grabbing her carefully & carried her to her room. I sighed. I don't want him to leave me.

Moments later, Michael plopped down next to me. I pouted laying on him. "You knew this was coming soon."

"Yeah but i thought i had a year to take it all in."

"Well at least i gave you a 6 month notice. Unlike you, who will tell somebody a few weeks before." I looked up at him & he was making a face. I slapped his chest. "Ow."

"Stop bringing it up that was years ago."

"Im just reminding you."

"Well at least i'll have Angel & my career to keep me busy." He nodded agreeing with me. "But i'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He pecked my lips. "So lets enjoy our time together while it lasts."

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